Total portfolio value
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
CORE 3.48 M CORE | $10,982,099.61 E | - | $3,156,591,390,950,000,000.00 | |
Anonymous 10.00 B Anonymous | $3.04 M | - | $0ยณ303 | |
ALBERT 59.95 B ALBERT | $598.50 k | - | $0โต998 | |
ETH 6.89 ETH | $18.61 k | -2.24% | $2,702.20 | |
EXY 11.70 k EXY | $5.66 k | - | $0.48 | |
wsVSQ 35.94 wsVSQ | $468.04 | - | $13.02 | |
HMATIC 1.27 k HMATIC | $379.16 | - | $0.30 | |
BNB 0.06 BNB | $36.30 | -3.87% | $641.02 | |
GFN 17.54 k GFN | $20.06 | +5.39% | $0ยฒ119 | |
PNP 7.52 PNP | $13.41 | -3.89% | $1.79 | |
FOLD 13.04 FOLD | $12.57 | -1.70% | $0.96 | |
HZN 445.19 HZN | $4.05 | -2.99% | $0ยฒ905 | |
POL 13.22 POL | $3.78 | -3.07% | $0.29 | |
STABLEx 4.11 STABLEx | $3.23 | - | $0.79 | |
ETH 0ยณ933 ETH | $2.52 | -2.22% | $2,701.77 | |
GONE 1.07 M GONE | $2.52 | -1.21% | $0โต234 | |
CPL 1.00 B CPL | $2.37 | +2.06% | $0โธ239 | |
CUSD 2.49 CUSD | $1.66 | -3.18% | $0.21 | |
p-GYD 1.47 p-GYD | $1.47 | - | $1.00 | |
FXS 0.81 FXS | $1.36 | -1.58% | $1.83 | |
BETS 984.22 k BETS | $0.72 | - | $0โถ748 | |
SOJU 10.90 k SOJU | $0.56 | -7.51% | $0โด504 | |
BNBx 0ยณ556 BNBx | $0.39 | -3.98% | $700.99 | |
SABLE 92.85 SABLE | $0.38 | - | $0ยฒ407 | |
POP 50.00 POP | $0.34 | - | $0ยฒ683 |
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