Total portfolio value
-2.99% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
BNB 2.96 BNB | $1.91 k | -3.11% | $644.83 | |
XRP 0.21 XRP | $0.51 | -2.62% | $2.48 | |
CaptainBNB 14.12 CaptainBNB | $0.12 | +3.71% | $0²891 | |
GRAVITAS 3.86 B GRAVITAS | $0.04 | - | $0¹⁰101 | |
DogeD 0⁸100 DogeD | $0.00 | +54.50% | $0⁴283 | |
BNBseason 0⁸100 BNBseason | $0.00 | -31.68% | $0⁴120 | |
FSP 0¹¹690 FSP | $0.00 | +1,556.21% | $0²135 | |
BEPE 0⁸195 BEPE | $0.00 | - | $0⁵422 | |
Call cz 0⁸100 Call cz | $0.00 | -38.36% | $0⁵763 | |
builders 0⁹520 builders | $0.00 | -4.99% | $0⁴113 | |
AMC 0⁸100 AMC | $0.00 | -4.48% | $0⁵495 | |
FRANK 0⁹583 FRANK | $0.00 | -2.17% | $0⁵617 | |
Sadie 0⁸100 Sadie | $0.00 | +0.15% | $0⁵358 | |
BNBOSS 0¹⁰278 BNBOSS | $0.00 | -32.99% | $0³109 | |
TENG 0⁶222 TENG | $0.00 | -3.02% | $0⁸688 | |
CARROT 0¹⁰287 CARROT | $0.00 | -28.79% | $0⁴130 | |
babyTCC 0¹⁰601 babyTCC | $0.00 | -9.68% | $0⁵552 | |
YiPEPE 0¹⁰230 YiPEPE | $0.00 | -5.56% | $0⁵955 | |
Four Floki 0¹⁰675 Four Floki | $0.00 | - | $0⁵319 | |
MTT 0¹⁰644 MTT | $0.00 | +0.88% | $0⁵334 | |
MEME 0¹¹947 MEME | $0.00 | -1.43% | $0⁴208 | |
REX 0¹⁰102 REX | $0.00 | -12.80% | $0⁴128 | |
HODL 0¹⁰347 HODL | $0.00 | - | $0⁵316 | |
Hello 0¹⁰232 Hello | $0.00 | - | $0⁵345 | |
FLY 0¹⁰204 FLY | $0.00 | - | $0⁵377 |
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