Total portfolio value
+1.81% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
ETH 1.69 ETH | $4.78 k | +1.97% | $2,824.72 | |
MEGA 679.15 k MEGA | $1.23 k | +2.94% | $0²183 | |
DATBOI 2.80 M DATBOI | $656.63 | +1.38% | $0³233 | |
ERS 3.65 M ERS | $365.41 | -0.03% | $0⁴998 | |
SPLASH 8.65 B SPLASH | $329.40 | -3.87% | $0⁷369 | |
SWF 20.62 M SWF | $152.79 | -17.05% | $0⁵721 | |
USDS 2.75 M USDS | $141.79 | -0.14% | $0⁴501 | |
SODA 33.43 M SODA | $135.14 | - | $0⁵397 | |
DSS 2.34 B DSS | $106.04 | +37.35% | $0⁷575 | |
MAMA 5.52 M MAMA | $103.40 | - | $0⁴180 | |
LOTE 598.18 M LOTE | $99.23 | - | $0⁶161 | |
GENIUS 14.29 M GENIUS | $91.69 | +18.71% | $0⁵678 | |
LELE 11.01 M LELE | $68.38 | +25.70% | $0⁵621 | |
XAIGAMES 603.94 k XAIGAMES | $65.89 | -8.22% | $0³110 | |
HELLO 5.31 M HELLO | $54.60 | +0.63% | $0⁴101 | |
WHTS 2.02 B WHTS | $53.69 | - | $0⁷252 | |
AMERICA 23.69 M AMERICA | $51.47 | -26.79% | $0⁵215 | |
STARGATE 3.00 M STARGATE | $45.23 | +1.40% | $0⁴149 | |
ELON 12.14 M ELON | $43.83 | - | $0⁵359 | |
VITALIK 3.01 M VITALIK | $42.77 | +2.83% | $0⁴142 | |
AFSR 3.13 M AFSR | $40.46 | -2.22% | $0⁴128 | |
Sorkin 6.09 M Sorkin | $39.88 | - | $0⁵654 | |
DOGETRIX 8.03 M DOGETRIX | $31.97 | - | $0⁵398 | |
STRATEGY 11.74 M STRATEGY | $27.81 | - | $0⁵220 | |
MAGNOM 5.56 M MAGNOM | $16.32 | - | $0⁵293 |
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