Total portfolio value
+8.11% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
BNB 0.65 BNB | $416.36 | -3.44% | $644.78 | |
Broccoli 31.23 k Broccoli | $306.84 | +29.76% | $0²991 | |
BUILD 4.00 M BUILD | $105.48 | -6.54% | $0⁴251 | |
JAILCZ 7.11 M JAILCZ | $47.21 | - | $0⁵663 | |
Broccoli 5.00 k Broccoli | $45.13 | -22.16% | $0²921 | |
CZWALLET 248.09 k CZWALLET | $31.27 | -23.19% | $0³126 | |
$PFORK 4.58 M $PFORK | $28.51 | +0.09% | $0⁵623 | |
88087-510 893.64 k 88087-510 | $22.28 | +36.01% | $0⁴250 | |
AXIS 193.12 k AXIS | $18.02 | -1.84% | $0⁴942 | |
ARA 1.61 M ARA | $15.87 | -81.80% | $0⁴145 | |
BROCCOLI 5.00 k BROCCOLI | $12.43 | -3.70% | $0²248 | |
BLWK 137.40 k BLWK | $11.44 | +67.15% | $0⁴836 | |
BLUEBERRY 812.68 k BLUEBERRY | $8.11 | -70.31% | $0⁴232 | |
JESSIE 173.56 k JESSIE | $5.50 | +570.33% | $0⁴738 | |
Myawaddy 52.31 k Myawaddy | $4.15 | - | $0⁴793 | |
CHARITY 911.90 k CHARITY | $3.70 | - | $0⁵394 | |
BNBman 124.71 k BNBman | $2.59 | +32.27% | $0⁴302 | |
NanoAi 307.72 k NanoAi | $2.15 | -0.05% | $0⁵704 | |
JESSIE 93.66 k JESSIE | $1.86 | -23.48% | $0⁴199 | |
PIZZA 2.91 M PIZZA | $1.49 | +13.25% | $0⁶501 | |
bearbug 323.49 k bearbug | $1.00 | -95.85% | $0⁵325 | |
CZDOG 186.82 k CZDOG | $0.95 | - | $0⁵515 | |
CLAIM 263.71 k CLAIM | $0.84 | - | $0⁵321 | |
Broccoli 55.22 k Broccoli | $0.52 | +12.30% | $0⁵940 | |
GHANA 110.31 k GHANA | $0.43 | -94.28% | $0⁵507 |
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