Total portfolio value
+0.49% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
ETH 0.08 ETH | $282.20 | +1.76% | $3,325.63 | |
GRIMACE 602.16 k GRIMACE | $104.71 | - | $0³174 | |
Akira 208.88 Akira | $90.75 | - | $0.43 | |
TIGGER 347.90 k TIGGER | $79.17 | - | $0³227 | |
eViral 🧬 5.72 B eViral 🧬 | $58.06 | - | $0⁷141 | |
BUSD 54.52 BUSD | $54.49 | -0.03% | $1.00 | |
EVIL 739.72 k EVIL | $41.62 | - | $0⁴562 | |
SWP 2.33 M SWP | $27.89 | - | $0⁴119 | |
USDT 12.20 USDT | $12.19 | -0.03% | $1.00 | |
SHAK 800.00 k SHAK | $11.91 | -8.46% | $0⁴142 | |
PIG 470.52 M PIG | $9.98 | +0.23% | $0⁷222 | |
HPPOT 59.22 B HPPOT | $9.38 | - | $0⁹158 | |
MATIC 20.80 MATIC | $8.56 | -1.20% | $0.41 | |
SpaceVerse 316.95 k SpaceVerse | $3.73 | - | $0⁵301 | |
BDSM 10.47 M BDSM | $3.30 | - | $0⁶312 | |
TINU 13.91 T TINU | $3.12 | - | $0¹²220 | |
HAPPY 1.15 B HAPPY | $2.80 | +0.67% | $0⁸242 | |
GYSR 76.78 GYSR | $2.60 | +12.55% | $0.03 | |
GEM 425.15 GEM | $2.59 | - | $0²605 | |
ASS 2.67 B ASS | $2.57 | +0.48% | $0⁸103 | |
FSAFE 1.91 B FSAFE | $1.87 | +0.86% | $0⁸107 | |
SMRAT 875.50 M SMRAT | $1.34 | -0.41% | $0⁸153 | |
WINDY 977.95 WINDY | $1.23 | - | $0²129 | |
HORSE 5.09 k HORSE | $0.83 | - | $0³155 | |
WETH 0³190 WETH | $0.63 | +1.76% | $3,325.63 |
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