Total portfolio value
-0.00% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
---|---|---|---|---| 60.00 k | $2.81 k | - | $0.05 | |
cDOGE 48.61 T cDOGE | $929.14 | - | $0¹⁰191 | |
ETHP 0.27 ETHP | $714.73 | - | $2,686.97 | |
wADAX 1.00 M wADAX | $540.56 | - | $0³540 | |
SAFEMOON 15.41 B SAFEMOON | $493.40 | - | $0⁷320 | |
BSC-Coin 5.00 M BSC-Coin | $433.85 | - | $0⁴867 | |
1FGL 25.00 k 1FGL | $62.58 | - | $0²250 | |
wif 161.21 M wif | $19.91 | - | $0⁶123 | |
BNBW 23.75 M BNBW | $11.80 | - | $0⁶496 | |
Greedy 12.99 T Greedy | $8.96 | - | $0¹²689 | |
FOTTIE 75.95 M FOTTIE | $6.68 | - | $0⁷879 | |
🦆DUCK 3.49 B 🦆DUCK | $6.27 | - | $0⁸179 | |
SORA 131.81 k SORA | $3.29 | - | $0⁴249 | |
AMPERE 4.28 k AMPERE | $3.02 | -9.33% | $0³696 | |
BNB 0²412 BNB | $2.57 | +1.54% | $625.25 | |
SHILLBNB 3.55 M SHILLBNB | $2.37 | - | $0⁶667 | |
BabyAlita 225.85 B BabyAlita | $2.01 | - | $0¹¹888 | |
CCDS 1.62 CCDS | $1.43 | - | $0.89 | |
FlokiBurn 6.97 B FlokiBurn | $1.37 | - | $0⁹196 | |
$ROSE 19.04 k $ROSE | $1.06 | - | $0⁴555 | |
POGAI 15.35 M POGAI | $0.67 | - | $0⁷437 | |
GOKU 908.92 GOKU | $0.48 | - | $0³532 | |
SIA 3.46 M SIA | $0.41 | - | $0⁶119 | |
BTCB 0⁵373 BTCB | $0.33 | -4.24% | $88,768.51 | |
ACT 7.65 ACT | $0.31 | -0.61% | $0.04 |
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