Total portfolio value
+0.00% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
DogeGiving 16.21 k DogeGiving | $104.66 B | - | $6,455,266.11 | |
ELONBNB 99.49 B ELONBNB | $1.86 k | - | $0⁷186 | |
CUMMIES 8.93 k CUMMIES | $34.64 | +0.12% | $0²388 | |
CRPT 5.34 M CRPT | $29.89 | - | $0⁵559 | |
GAMELF 232.41 B GAMELF | $19.11 | - | $0¹⁰822 | |
METADOGE 116.43 k METADOGE | $15.60 | - | $0³133 | |
MOONLIGHT 545.93 M MOONLIGHT | $15.10 | +3.64% | $0⁷276 | |
BNB 0.02 BNB | $12.79 | +0.23% | $680.37 | |
FLOKI 47.35 k FLOKI | $6.40 | +7.93% | $0³135 | |
FEG 22.38 B FEG | $5.07 | -0.93% | $0⁹226 | |
SXF 11.75 T SXF | $4.66 | - | $0¹²396 | |
TCPFM 2.34 M TCPFM | $4.51 | - | $0⁵192 | |
DBH 4.83 T DBH | $4.08 | - | $0¹²844 | |
VIRCIT 4.84 T VIRCIT | $4.02 | - | $0¹²830 | |
MKAT 19.41 k MKAT | $3.40 | - | $0³175 | |
X100 0.09 X100 | $2.90 | - | $31.55 | |
MOONBLAST 12.91 B MOONBLAST | $2.87 | - | $0⁹222 | |
FEM 3.49 B FEM | $2.80 | - | $0⁹803 | |
SFM 96.27 k SFM | $2.71 | -4.79% | $0⁴281 | |
BZIL 1.14 M BZIL | $2.24 | - | $0⁵196 | |
$STONKS 1.51 B $STONKS | $1.61 | -0.75% | $0⁸106 | |
KING 324.50 k KING | $1.12 | - | $0⁵343 | |
TOMI 30.62 B TOMI | $1.03 | - | $0¹⁰337 | |
KCAKE 503.40 k KCAKE | $0.92 | -0.24% | $0⁵182 | |
SPE 509.79 M SPE | $0.90 | - | $0⁸176 |
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