Total portfolio value
-0.53% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
DOGE-1 242.33 M DOGE-1 | $1.45 | -1.25% | $0⁸598 | |
DOGE 3.98 DOGE | $1.29 | -2.02% | $0.32 | |
MANEKI 37.73 B MANEKI | $1.28 | - | $0¹⁰339 | |
DSGI 9.03 T DSGI | $1.20 | - | $0¹²132 | |
IPFS 79.67 M IPFS | $1.01 | - | $0⁷127 | |
SANJI 3.68 T SANJI | $0.88 | -6.76% | $0¹²223 | |
Milky Doge 263.50 P Milky Doge | $0.79 | - | $0¹⁷342 | |
TOURISTS 10.13 B TOURISTS | $0.60 | - | $0⁵107 | |
ADA 0.56 ADA | $0.52 | -4.21% | $0.93 | |
BabyKitty 496.41 B BabyKitty | $0.27 | - | $0¹²539 | |
WEBFOUR 2.41 M WEBFOUR | $0.26 | - | $0⁶107 | |
CATFATHER 77.38 B CATFATHER | $0.25 | - | $0¹¹319 | |
UI 2.34 B UI | $0.19 | - | $0¹⁰810 | |
BABYOKX 2.39 B BABYOKX | $0.17 | - | $0¹⁰727 | |
Lafite rabbit 262.31 B Lafite rabbit | $0.13 | - | $0¹²496 | |
DOGE-1 63.12 k DOGE-1 | $0.12 | - | $0⁵187 | |
LLVERSE 1.13 M LLVERSE | $0.08 | +0.89% | $0⁷692 | |
WEB3 151.31 M WEB3 | $0.08 | -1.67% | $0⁹452 | |
EthDoge 3.75 B EthDoge | $0.06 | - | $0¹⁰160 | |
SMC 55.56 M SMC | $0.04 | - | $0⁹711 | |
MetaCats 17.34 B MetaCats | $0.01 | - | $0¹²657 | |
CYM 4.78 k CYM | $0.01 | - | $0⁵177 | |
JF 0.41 JF | $0.01 | -1.47% | $0.02 | |
SpacePi 2.50 M SpacePi | $0.00 | -2.00% | $0⁹917 | |
ShibKiller 2.09 M ShibKiller | $0.00 | - | $0⁹141 |
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