Total portfolio value
-9.98% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
Mars 15.69 k Mars | $14.55 | -17.87% | $0³923 | |
SEEK 720.46 k SEEK | $9.99 | -6.22% | $0⁴137 | |
FXBT 23.93 k FXBT | $5.84 | +51.13% | $0³418 | |
BNB 0²334 BNB | $2.16 | -3.42% | $644.78 | |
BGA 386.09 k BGA | $1.71 | -0.43% | $0⁵444 | |
BUILDAI 49.24 k BUILDAI | $1.49 | -10.43% | $0⁴341 | |
BBC 430.15 k BBC | $1.42 | - | $0⁵332 | |
BABYCAKE 4.45 M BABYCAKE | $1.13 | -10.98% | $0⁶251 | |
beanfun 4.19 k beanfun | $0.96 | -0.64% | $0³230 | |
Broccoli 489.72 Broccoli | $0.75 | -20.75% | $0²152 | |
TST 6.76 TST | $0.63 | -25.05% | $0.09 | |
PEPE 71.68 k PEPE | $0.62 | - | $0⁵879 | |
BNBman 26.83 k BNBman | $0.56 | +32.27% | $0⁴302 | |
SFM 50.75 k SFM | $0.48 | -74.96% | $0⁴250 | |
Cake 0.18 Cake | $0.44 | -4.16% | $2.40 | |
RTST 111.08 k RTST | $0.00 | - | $0⁴134 | |
CZFUND 29.19 B CZFUND | $0.00 | -39.88% | $0¹⁰982 | |
AI21X 1.00 k AI21X | $0.00 | - | $0¹⁶104 |
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