Total portfolio value
+0.09% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
ETH 0.05 ETH | $150.60 | +2.19% | $3,295.57 | |
DRC 242.90 k DRC | $50.11 | +0.66% | $0³206 | |
PIG 1.90 B PIG | $40.05 | -0.26% | $0⁷221 | |
HOGE 1.49 M HOGE | $20.07 | -5.98% | $0⁴135 | |
NABOX 2.98 M NABOX | $12.49 | +4.01% | $0⁵422 | |
SBSH 15.62 T SBSH | $10.35 | - | $0¹²663 | |
SHIKO 2.20 T SHIKO | $4.89 | +1.34% | $0¹¹220 | |
NFTART 391.10 B NFTART | $4.31 | -3.85% | $0¹⁰110 | |
TREES 871.86 M TREES | $3.83 | +1.33% | $0⁸440 | |
BSG 14.05 M BSG | $3.35 | - | $0⁶238 | |
eMax 4.25 B eMax | $1.75 | +7.55% | $0⁹413 | |
PIKA 380.88 M PIKA | $1.63 | +2.67% | $0⁸427 | |
CAROM 2.08 B CAROM | $1.39 | +0.77% | $0⁹727 | |
HVI 33.80 T HVI | $1.01 | -0.56% | $0¹³289 | |
BabyShibaInu 108.87 M BabyShibaInu | $0.69 | +0.76% | $0⁸632 | |
LEM 3.20 M LEM | $0.68 | - | $0⁶192 | |
EarnX 9.51 M EarnX | $0.67 | - | $0⁷763 | |
DogeZilla 131.24 P DogeZilla | $0.66 | -2.84% | $0¹⁷562 | |
PDAO 3.27 M PDAO | $0.58 | - | $0⁶176 | |
ADA 0.36 ADA | $0.34 | +0.33% | $0.95 | |
DINK 8.97 B DINK | $0.30 | - | $0¹⁰337 | |
CATGIRL 15.74 B CATGIRL | $0.25 | +0.11% | $0¹⁰158 | |
BTCB 0⁵236 BTCB | $0.24 | -1.94% | $102,261.28 | |
JOJO 364.04 k JOJO | $0.23 | +1.58% | $0⁶632 | |
bShiba 401.21 M bShiba | $0.22 | +0.82% | $0⁹593 |
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