Total portfolio value
-3.74% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
Mog 9.92 B Mog | $7.18 k | -3.37% | $0⁶732 | |
WETH 0.34 WETH | $906.00 | -4.87% | $2,671.44 | |
ETH 0.18 ETH | $472.72 | -4.85% | $2,672.87 | |
PRQ 1.85 k PRQ | $359.68 | +1.77% | $0.19 | |
YES 160.79 YES | $353.89 | - | $2.20 | |
BOA 0.30 BOA | $301.16 | - | $991.36 | |
BNB 0.44 BNB | $277.96 | -2.26% | $637.08 | |
FKPEPE 188.72 B FKPEPE | $164.50 | +1.50% | $0⁹873 | |
POOR 2.46 M POOR | $158.10 | - | $0⁴643 | |
CRV 232.33 CRV | $108.55 | -7.55% | $0.47 | |
ROT 3.00 M ROT | $96.49 | - | $0⁴341 | |
KEKE 15.00 B KEKE | $84.67 | -5.07% | $0⁸575 | |
WAIF 402.31 k WAIF | $79.01 | - | $0³196 | |
NYAN-2 18.49 NYAN-2 | $76.68 | - | $4.16 | |
ID 3.73 k ID | $60.33 | -17.44% | $0.02 | |
ORN 57.95 ORN | $41.98 | -7.56% | $0.72 | |
RUNE 209.31 RUNE | $30.13 | -1.38% | $0.14 | |
ZEFU 33.02 k ZEFU | $27.11 | -34.81% | $0³671 | |
MAGGOT 493.23 k MAGGOT | $24.12 | - | $0⁴578 | |
TOONS 463.36 k TOONS | $19.04 | - | $0⁴410 | |
NHUB 15.95 k NHUB | $17.62 | - | $0²111 | |
0xAnon 30.19 k 0xAnon | $15.93 | - | $0³528 | |
POL 55.69 POL | $15.77 | -3.13% | $0.28 | |
SHAKE 1.08 SHAKE | $15.75 | - | $17.43 | |
PolyMoon 787.34 B PolyMoon | $12.94 | -3.36% | $0¹⁰163 |
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