Total portfolio value
+0.71% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
BNB 112.54 BNB | $73.59 k | -0.34% | $653.50 | |
JESSIE 1.86 M JESSIE | $78.82 | +570.33% | $0⁴738 | |
DOGESS 15.28 M DOGESS | $54.05 | -2.96% | $0⁵345 | |
BEAN 717.95 k BEAN | $14.77 | +1.73% | $0⁴205 | |
VEKTOR 172.33 k VEKTOR | $13.24 | - | $0⁴766 | |
Trump 580.24 k Trump | $10.36 | -1.99% | $0⁴180 | |
czdog 366.53 k czdog | $2.96 | +2.15% | $0⁵786 | |
TST 10.94 TST | $1.25 | +36.14% | $0.11 | |
tMOON 1.84 k tMOON | $1.08 | - | $0³590 | |
BROWNIE 51.84 k BROWNIE | $0.80 | -7.02% | $0⁴152 | |
SURELY 3.96 k SURELY | $0.06 | +4.10% | $0⁴140 | |
PERRY 0¹¹949 PERRY | $0.00 | -14.34% | $0²876 | |
BOOM 62.00 k BOOM | $0.00 | - | $0.05 | |
FTX 10.70 M FTX | $0.00 | - | $0⁵253 | |
ACM 2.14 M ACM | $0.00 | +2.42% | $0⁵252 | |
ACT 60.00 k ACT | $0.00 | - | $0.02 | |
CLEO 5.21 M CLEO | $0.00 | - | $0⁵575 | |
GM 13.99 M GM | $0.00 | - | $0⁶986 |
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