Total portfolio value
+1.38% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
SANJI 4.28 T SANJI | $1.02 | - | $0¹²239 | |
SWEEP 156.37 B SWEEP | $0.67 | +0.98% | $0¹¹429 | |
SHIB 30.37 k SHIB | $0.58 | +3.24% | $0⁴191 | |
FIL 0.09 FIL | $0.43 | +2.49% | $4.86 | |
ETH 0⁴853 ETH | $0.28 | +2.05% | $3,318.06 | |
SHIBA 312.15 M SHIBA | $0.21 | -1.75% | $0⁹657 | |
NEIROINU 3.92 M NEIROINU | $0.18 | +3.24% | $0⁷467 | |
GMT 0.18 GMT | $0.02 | +0.12% | $0.10 | |
SPACEDOGE 100.00 k SPACEDOGE | $0.00 | - | $0¹¹338 | |
BOOM 62.00 k BOOM | $0.00 | - | $0.05 | |
ACT 60.00 k ACT | $0.00 | - | $0.02 | |
ELONXRP 5.25 T ELONXRP | $0.00 | - | $0¹²479 | |
DogelonCEO 23.63 M DogelonCEO | $0.00 | - | $0⁹374 | |
GTMD 306.58 B GTMD | $0.00 | - | $0¹²887 | |
SMUDGE 84.41 M SMUDGE | $0.00 | - | $0¹⁰527 | |
Djuguran 90.94 M Djuguran | $0.00 | - | $0⁸379 | |
SITE 10.67 B SITE | $0.00 | - | $0⁹150 | |
I-HUB 36.00 I-HUB | $0.00 | - | $0³138 | |
I-POINT 14.00 I-POINT | $0.00 | - | $0⁷962 | |
LzE 10.00 LzE | $0.00 | - | $0³292 | |
FWC 99.98 k FWC | $0.00 | - | $0⁷483 | |
MINU 40.77 M MINU | $0.00 | - | $0⁸330 | |
GenjosanzoInu 6.01 B GenjosanzoInu | $0.00 | - | $0¹⁰433 | |
BabyFootball 5.36 B BabyFootball | $0.00 | - | $0⁹425 | |
CBSC 7.44 k CBSC | $0.00 | - | $0⁸309 |
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