Total portfolio value
+0.36% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
DogeBSC 66.51 M DogeBSC | $20.58 | - | $0⁶344 | |
HINA 216.88 B HINA | $1.78 | +4.71% | $0¹¹819 | |
PDAO 6.06 M PDAO | $1.07 | - | $0⁶176 | |
BOG 145.47 BOG | $0.86 | +0.01% | $0²592 | |
DEXT 1.35 k DEXT | $0.33 | +1.35% | $0³247 | |
MARKO 59.18 M MARKO | $0.32 | - | $0⁸542 | |
NOTINU 3.85 M NOTINU | $0.23 | - | $0⁷573 | |
MadDoge 15.13 M MadDoge | $0.18 | - | $0⁷118 | |
PANDA 92.00 M PANDA | $0.09 | +0.66% | $0⁹968 | |
ETH 0⁵749 ETH | $0.02 | +2.17% | $3,294.93 | |
KELPIE 66.67 M KELPIE | $0.01 | - | $0⁹107 | |
HUSKY 29.23 M HUSKY | $0.01 | +2.54% | $0⁹241 | |
DOG 605.74 DOG | $0.01 | - | $0⁴103 | |
KISHU 14.07 M KISHU | $0.00 | +1.14% | $0⁹311 | |
DMS 504.22 k DMS | $0.00 | - | $0⁸681 | |
FST 0.91 FST | $0.00 | +4.69% | $0²304 | |
POODL 689.33 k POODL | $0.00 | +1.47% | $0⁸277 | |
EverApe 🍌 917.31 k EverApe 🍌 | $0.00 | - | $0⁸130 | |
POL 0³500 POL | $0.00 | +0.64% | $0.41 | |
POODL 585.11 k POODL | $0.00 | - | $0⁹292 | |
WSG 500.00 k WSG | $0.00 | -0.63% | $0⁹205 | |
QDX 1.00 QDX | $0.00 | +2.59% | $0⁴674 | |
ORI 0.50 ORI | $0.00 | - | $0⁴295 | |
USDT 0⁶587 USDT | $0.00 | - | $1.00 | |
CP 10.00 CP | $0.00 | -0.06% | $0⁸186 |
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