Total portfolio value
-1.80% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
MNE 32.00 k MNE | $117.83 | - | $0²291 | |
TEL 4.20 k TEL | $26.73 | -3.82% | $0²639 | |
ETH 0²736 ETH | $23.60 | -3.87% | $3,196.70 | |
ETH2x-FLI 1.00 ETH2x-FLI | $18.42 | -7.86% | $18.14 | |
Kendu 410.50 k Kendu | $6.91 | -11.96% | $0⁴159 | |
BNB 0²884 BNB | $5.86 | -2.46% | $662.43 | |
UNISTAKE 1.00 k UNISTAKE | $4.74 | -3.32% | $0²474 | |
MM 3.00 MM | $4.01 | +4.92% | $1.35 | |
LINU 3.69 B LINU | $3.97 | -3.82% | $0⁸107 | |
DGH 3.70 k DGH | $2.71 | -4.12% | $0³729 | |
PUSH 25.00 PUSH | $1.88 | +0.74% | $0.08 | |
YPRED 140.60 YPRED | $1.12 | +19.25% | $0²814 | |
XRUNE 400.00 XRUNE | $0.90 | -39.52% | $0²223 | |
CoShi 3.00 B CoShi | $0.86 | +3.07% | $0⁹285 | |
POL 2.14 POL | $0.83 | -5.65% | $0.39 | |
BAT 3.46 BAT | $0.76 | -2.87% | $0.22 | |
USDT 0.58 USDT | $0.58 | - | $1.00 | |
NiHao 3.23 B NiHao | $0.52 | +1.59% | $0⁹161 | |
Pikachu 1.00 B Pikachu | $0.44 | +4.41% | $0⁹436 | |
WETH 0³115 WETH | $0.37 | -3.87% | $3,196.70 | |
WOZX 150.00 WOZX | $0.32 | +1.97% | $0²211 | |
TCP 200.00 TCP | $0.15 | - | $0³488 | |
LABS 960.64 LABS | $0.06 | -5.18% | $0⁴621 | |
BNTY 151.18 BNTY | $0.05 | - | $0³388 | |
PYRO 1.14 k PYRO | $0.04 | - | $0⁴343 |
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