Total portfolio value
-2.62% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
EVOLVE 60.35 k EVOLVE | $28.15 | -41.24% | $0³455 | |
HAIKUJI 918.24 M HAIKUJI | $16.38 | +95.37% | $0⁷185 | |
GAS 709.64 M GAS | $16.34 | -54.48% | $0⁷228 | |
ASS 215.21 k ASS | $14.50 | +60.47% | $0⁴673 | |
SHADOW 2.45 M SHADOW | $12.91 | -9.61% | $0⁵523 | |
VITALIK 135.95 k VITALIK | $8.87 | -46.17% | $0⁴600 | |
CRA 2.33 M CRA | $8.84 | -21.28% | $0⁵377 | |
HOOD 963.83 k HOOD | $6.57 | -34.05% | $0⁵681 | |
SFM 387.00 SFM | $4.02 | +3.91% | $0.01 | |
QFE 76.09 k QFE | $2.81 | -1.85% | $0⁴357 | |
BRAINOS 2.20 B BRAINOS | $0.00 | +52,485.04% | $0⁵601 | |
BULLY 238.67 k BULLY | $0.00 | - | $0⁴390 | |
HAIKUJI 305.11 k HAIKUJI | $0.00 | +82.30% | $0⁴715 | |
MEMES 349.28 k MEMES | $0.00 | +126.04% | $0⁴934 | |
SHADOW 5.15 M SHADOW | $0.00 | - | $0⁵483 | |
President 198.21 M President | $0.00 | +13,099.96% | $0⁴225 | |
JANUS 25.16 M JANUS | $0.00 | - | $0²²425 |
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