Total portfolio value
-0.51% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
ETH 6.52 ETH | $21.26 k | +0.68% | $3,262.00 | |
RAMON 2.70 M RAMON | $1.80 k | -16.60% | $0³671 | |
BNB 1.16 BNB | $778.94 | -0.84% | $671.76 | |
BPP 15.29 M BPP | $333.23 | -0.93% | $0⁴208 | |
FART 1.94 k FART | $313.47 | - | $0.16 | |
STEVE 12.17 B STEVE | $213.19 | - | $0⁷175 | |
KEK 5.28 T KEK | $199.70 | - | $0¹⁰375 | |
Sorkin 19.76 M Sorkin | $189.02 | - | $0⁵957 | |
TAXI 26.16 k TAXI | $141.98 | -0.14% | $0²543 | |
GOBS 1.70 M GOBS | $109.66 | +4.69% | $0⁴635 | |
WOULD 49.49 M WOULD | $95.40 | - | $0⁵192 | |
uDOGE 2.85 B uDOGE | $93.89 | - | $0⁷337 | |
ULTI 755.39 k ULTI | $90.97 | +0.53% | $0³121 | |
ZAZU 262.82 k ZAZU | $76.49 | +62.26% | $0³280 | |
Prayge 907.39 k Prayge | $46.80 | +0.54% | $0⁴516 | |
BUDDY 1.08 B BUDDY | $43.94 | -13.38% | $0⁷364 | |
SHAGGY 4.38 B SHAGGY | $32.70 | - | $0⁸737 | |
SHRUBBY 24.42 M SHRUBBY | $24.03 | - | $0⁶985 | |
OWL 2.38 M OWL | $19.54 | - | $0⁵820 | |
KOTO 1.14 B KOTO | $16.50 | - | $0⁷148 | |
NexFundAI 382.73 M NexFundAI | $15.80 | - | $0⁷412 | |
PHOBOS 786.84 M PHOBOS | $15.33 | - | $0⁷195 | |
MONKY 1.68 M MONKY | $10.16 | +0.20% | $0⁵606 | |
HAMP 1.07 B HAMP | $9.92 | - | $0⁸953 | |
BRAGON 552.97 M BRAGON | $9.13 | - | $0⁷164 |
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