Total portfolio value
-3.19% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
BNB 0.12 BNB | $74.55 | -3.40% | $643.34 | |
Nance 0¹⁰649 Nance | $0.00 | -9.87% | $0³925 | |
BIBI 0⁸100 BIBI | $0.00 | -30.27% | $0⁴270 | |
MBGA 0⁹791 MBGA | $0.00 | +19.50% | $0⁴168 | |
ZENO 0⁸100 ZENO | $0.00 | - | $0⁵506 | |
sin 0⁹491 sin | $0.00 | +15.46% | $0⁵929 | |
figlot 0⁸100 figlot | $0.00 | -94.12% | $0⁵479 | |
BNBCAT 0⁹878 BNBCAT | $0.00 | -0.80% | $0⁵369 | |
BMINU 0¹⁰682 BMINU | $0.00 | -11.69% | $0⁴420 | |
Broccoli 0¹²286 Broccoli | $0.00 | -9.51% | $0²943 | |
NeuraLinka 0⁹565 NeuraLinka | $0.00 | -90.53% | $0⁵813 | |
BUILDAI 0¹⁰486 BUILDAI | $0.00 | -10.43% | $0⁴341 | |
$WHY 0⁹111 $WHY | $0.00 | -95.61% | $0⁵347 | |
Meow 0¹⁰329 Meow | $0.00 | -1.67% | $0⁵349 | |
Almaze 0¹⁰139 Almaze | $0.00 | - | $0⁵436 | |
THE 0¹⁷100 THE | $0.00 | -11.39% | $0.58 | |
Defillama 0¹⁷100 Defillama | $0.00 | -87.62% | $0⁵956 | |
BUNGFU 0¹⁷100 BUNGFU | $0.00 | +18.47% | $0⁵547 | |
CHEEKS 0¹⁷100 CHEEKS | $0.00 | -88.50% | $0⁵919 | |
BINANCE 0¹⁷100 BINANCE | $0.00 | -93.71% | $0⁵545 | |
TradeXBT 0¹⁷100 TradeXBT | $0.00 | -95.03% | $0⁵392 |
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