Total portfolio value
+5.39% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
FourAi 1.44 M FourAi | $274.81 | -11.80% | $0³188 | |
FORAI 18.50 M FORAI | $99.17 | - | $0⁵536 | |
MBGA 2.02 M MBGA | $53.18 | +73.99% | $0⁴253 | |
KOL4U 6.55 M KOL4U | $51.28 | -0.36% | $0⁵782 | |
Koric 1.23 M Koric | $45.35 | +1.31% | $0⁴359 | |
KADABRA 6.20 T KADABRA | $44.65 | - | $0¹¹721 | |
REX 5.75 M REX | $39.55 | -0.65% | $0⁵687 | |
TTS 3.77 M TTS | $38.77 | +81.97% | $0⁴103 | |
Marvin 4.97 M Marvin | $33.67 | - | $0⁵677 | |
BLWK 347.73 k BLWK | $30.68 | +83.26% | $0⁴873 | |
ALEA 5.25 M ALEA | $30.02 | - | $0⁵572 | |
FOUR2.0 3.51 M FOUR2.0 | $25.34 | -3.67% | $0⁵721 | |
LUIGI 2.84 M LUIGI | $24.00 | -9.54% | $0⁵844 | |
4Burn 861.67 k 4Burn | $21.33 | -56.41% | $0⁴250 | |
BNBBOT 1.76 M BNBBOT | $20.13 | -6.65% | $0⁴115 | |
TCC 8.44 k TCC | $14.78 | -3.22% | $0²174 | |
Defillama 2.32 M Defillama | $13.78 | -87.62% | $0⁵956 | |
Czilla 1.87 M Czilla | $13.23 | -2.53% | $0⁵707 | |
MYSHELL 529.14 k MYSHELL | $13.23 | +57.88% | $0⁴252 | |
XONE 10.00 k XONE | $12.53 | -0.51% | $0²125 | |
SAFUFOUR 1.51 M SAFUFOUR | $11.76 | -14.64% | $0⁵778 | |
BaByHeYi 1.62 M BaByHeYi | $10.12 | -1.66% | $0⁵615 | |
Testus 1.65 M Testus | $9.25 | -8.75% | $0⁵564 | |
WHY314 431.51 k WHY314 | $9.17 | -16.52% | $0⁴205 | |
GROK3 1.49 M GROK3 | $9.06 | +0.12% | $0⁵607 |
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