Total portfolio value
-0.04% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
BabyShibaInu 556.80 M BabyShibaInu | $3.50 | +0.40% | $0⁸630 | |
FLOKIBUSD 14.29 M FLOKIBUSD | $1.76 | - | $0⁶123 | |
WBNB 0²162 WBNB | $1.10 | -0.55% | $673.91 | |
BENDER 28.34 M BENDER | $0.84 | - | $0⁷297 | |
FREE 36.24 B FREE | $0.75 | - | $0¹⁰207 | |
LTDC 13.40 T LTDC | $0.52 | - | $0¹³408 | |
CX 1.10 B CX | $0.46 | - | $0⁹324 | |
BABYSHIBASAUR 131.44 B BABYSHIBASAUR | $0.39 | - | $0¹¹293 | |
MECHASHIBA 127.75 M MECHASHIBA | $0.35 | -0.20% | $0⁸272 | |
Supd 1.40 B Supd | $0.31 | - | $0⁹224 | |
USDT 0.30 USDT | $0.30 | -0.02% | $1.00 | |
MommyDoge 220.23 B MommyDoge | $0.28 | -0.10% | $0¹¹127 | |
LuckyBabyDoge 7.32 T LuckyBabyDoge | $0.27 | - | $0¹³369 | |
BEPR 31.17 BEPR | $0.19 | - | $0²602 | |
BabyHands 156.02 B BabyHands | $0.18 | - | $0¹¹114 | |
PORNROCKET 20.40 M PORNROCKET | $0.16 | -0.54% | $0⁸800 | |
RSHIBA 39.74 B RSHIBA | $0.15 | - | $0¹¹381 | |
Totoro 32.21 B Totoro | $0.15 | - | $0¹¹465 | |
STAKE 10.00 k STAKE | $0.14 | - | $0⁴143 | |
ADA 0.13 ADA | $0.12 | -1.65% | $0.94 | |
PANDA 92.00 M PANDA | $0.09 | -0.50% | $0⁹962 | |
FOMOBABY 154.01 B FOMOBABY | $0.06 | - | $0¹²426 | |
BABYBNB 108.35 M BABYBNB | $0.05 | +0.68% | $0⁹445 | |
UDOGE 213.52 M UDOGE | $0.03 | +0.91% | $0⁹137 | |
MOONRISE 81.65 M MOONRISE | $0.02 | -0.54% | $0⁹244 |
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