Total portfolio value
+20.48% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
BNB 0.08 BNB | $53.43 | -2.01% | $656.30 | |
FartcoinCZ 3.52 M FartcoinCZ | $23.22 | +1.89% | $0⁵660 | |
ai16cz 730.39 k ai16cz | $21.13 | +2.52% | $0⁴242 | |
Broccoli 702.85 M Broccoli | $18.08 | -9.09% | $0⁷257 | |
FXBT 74.26 k FXBT | $17.41 | +51.13% | $0³418 | |
FartBNB 821.40 k FartBNB | $15.61 | +24.48% | $0⁴325 | |
BSCXBT 352.96 k BSCXBT | $13.74 | +137.34% | $0³161 | |
Aximo 475.08 k Aximo | $11.24 | -5.38% | $0⁴236 | |
NanoAi 1.01 M NanoAi | $7.21 | -1.34% | $0⁵721 | |
heyi16z 1.16 M heyi16z | $6.08 | - | $0⁵526 | |
CBIX-P 1.77 k CBIX-P | $5.30 | +15.94% | $0²300 | |
SADIE 94.19 k SADIE | $2.70 | -8.07% | $0⁴290 | |
CLEO 5.22 B CLEO | $2.50 | -9.04% | $0⁹477 | |
OLAI 292.35 k OLAI | $1.11 | - | $0⁵382 | |
LUNA 4.24 M LUNA | $0.00 | - | $0⁵520 | |
Olga 2.01 M Olga | $0.00 | - | $0⁵510 | |
PiAI 3.40 M PiAI | $0.00 | -25.71% | $0⁵524 |
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