Total portfolio value
+96.94% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
BNB 20.94 BNB | $13.64 k | -0.90% | $650.67 | |
PERRY 979.22 k PERRY | $8.39 k | -6.96% | $0²862 | |
BNBRO 1.60 M BNBRO | $1.36 k | +946.81% | $0³830 | |
AIH 750.68 k AIH | $928.95 | +12.54% | $0²123 | |
CZ 1.40 M CZ | $296.82 | +212.16% | $0³275 | |
GBKAI 1.39 M GBKAI | $131.55 | -13.96% | $0⁴945 | |
CZBIKE 1.56 M CZBIKE | $80.55 | -13.40% | $0⁴514 | |
CZWALLET 583.09 k CZWALLET | $74.73 | +6.96% | $0³129 | |
Dogcz 3.05 M Dogcz | $72.63 | +4.28% | $0⁴236 | |
JESSIE 1.68 M JESSIE | $69.96 | +570.33% | $0⁴738 | |
88087-510 1.56 M 88087-510 | $61.31 | +67.68% | $0⁴314 | |
BEAN 2.15 M BEAN | $44.19 | +1.73% | $0⁴205 | |
SWASTICOIN 1.43 M SWASTICOIN | $40.04 | -65.44% | $0⁴273 | |
BMONEY 5.45 M BMONEY | $34.50 | -89.80% | $0⁵800 | |
BBROCCOLI 3.44 M BBROCCOLI | $31.98 | +1.52% | $0⁵938 | |
pill 6.40 M pill | $30.38 | - | $0⁵473 | |
JESSIE 1.27 M JESSIE | $30.35 | -7.43% | $0⁴240 | |
PHIL 1.63 M PHIL | $30.17 | +17.25% | $0⁴187 | |
CARROT 1.93 M CARROT | $26.53 | -13.88% | $0⁴139 | |
BROCCOLI 1.69 M BROCCOLI | $24.68 | -10.39% | $0⁴147 | |
Pentium586 2.38 M Pentium586 | $22.98 | -90.49% | $0⁵766 | |
Maverick 2.06 M Maverick | $19.64 | -10.98% | $0⁵963 | |
BNBseason 1.34 M BNBseason | $18.66 | -45.85% | $0⁴138 | |
DOJ 2.94 M DOJ | $18.34 | -76.68% | $0⁴184 | |
Swastacoin 1.52 M Swastacoin | $17.47 | -86.08% | $0⁴115 |
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