Total portfolio value
+0.70% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
ETH 2.13 ETH | $6.95 k | +0.90% | $3,267.06 | |
BNB 2.92 BNB | $1.96 k | -0.54% | $672.84 | |
PAC 1.80 M PAC | $958.29 | +2.26% | $0³534 | |
SNAP 2.43 B SNAP | $666.85 | +1.50% | $0⁶274 | |
ASTX 1.00 ASTX | $309.64 | +4.25% | $312.26 | |
CZ 4.79 B CZ | $217.20 | - | $0⁷441 | |
BMP 100.00 BMP | $211.11 | +4.60% | $2.10 | |
USDC.e 200.87 USDC.e | $200.87 | - | $1.00 | |
XONE 144.00 k XONE | $174.46 | +10.98% | $0²135 | |
LRDS 292.45 LRDS | $121.40 | - | $0.50 | |
DUCKAI 51.76 M DUCKAI | $112.75 | - | $0⁵218 | |
ClosedAI 10.00 M ClosedAI | $108.71 | -13.10% | $0⁴101 | |
DEMON 3.71 B DEMON | $84.21 | - | $0⁷226 | |
ETH69 23.94 M ETH69 | $40.70 | - | $0⁵167 | |
BLUR 105.14 BLUR | $19.70 | +2.74% | $0.19 | |
FKSEC 199.71 k FKSEC | $16.11 | - | $0⁴803 | |
GG 3.04 M GG | $15.48 | - | $0⁵505 | |
BONSAI 1.82 k BONSAI | $12.58 | -8.53% | $0²686 | |
UNI 1.01 UNI | $11.60 | -2.85% | $11.51 | |
TSUAKA 482.67 B TSUAKA | $9.24 | - | $0¹⁰191 | |
POL 22.23 POL | $8.96 | -1.15% | $0.40 | |
GUA 28.89 k GUA | $4.78 | +2.80% | $0³164 | |
WAAC 1.00 WAAC | $1.13 | +0.14% | $1.14 | |
KUMA 49.00 B KUMA | $1.11 | - | $0⁹353 | |
DUCKIES 120.00 DUCKIES | $0.78 | +0.84% | $0²649 |
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