Total portfolio value
+23.58% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
Broccoli 1.05 M Broccoli | $41.15 k | +28.60% | $0.04 | |
ICE 1.00 M ICE | $4.28 k | +1.25% | $0²428 | |
HINAGI 5.93 M HINAGI | $3.86 k | +49.70% | $0³665 | |
MARS 542.66 M MARS | $2.90 k | +7.81% | $0⁵538 | |
TRAVA 10.88 M TRAVA | $2.30 k | +1.39% | $0³212 | |
DOGGO 1.84 B DOGGO | $2.14 k | +1.41% | $0⁵117 | |
CRTAI 912.88 k CRTAI | $2.09 k | - | $0.23 | |
EPX 79.50 M EPX | $1.72 k | -7.78% | $0⁴216 | |
RBC 90.60 k RBC | $1.71 k | -0.21% | $0.02 | |
SWELL 100.39 k SWELL | $1.40 k | +1.53% | $0.01 | |
NOTAI 49.97 M NOTAI | $1.03 k | -10.32% | $0⁴206 | |
OPAI 3.45 M OPAI | $997.71 | -3.61% | $0³298 | |
IGU 260.02 k IGU | $857.81 | +5.96% | $0²330 | |
GRAPE 1.05 M GRAPE | $694.06 | +10.77% | $0³629 | |
BNBcat 10.74 M BNBcat | $679.29 | +0.27% | $0⁴632 | |
AKITA 1.09 M AKITA | $672.70 | +9.33% | $0³622 | |
MOOV 334.70 k MOOV | $557.78 | +2.57% | $0²165 | |
GLS 107.90 k GLS | $433.52 | -2.17% | $0²411 | |
LITH 2.99 M LITH | $370.12 | +0.84% | $0³122 | |
FAST 94.06 k FAST | $309.03 | +3.54% | $0²328 | |
BYEBIT 1.08 M BYEBIT | $119.33 | -11.48% | $0³106 | |
MARS 8.36 M MARS | $46.02 | +14.30% | $0⁵565 | |
KLIMA 101.76 KLIMA | $45.83 | +0.44% | $0.45 | |
IOTX 2.30 k IOTX | $44.03 | -0.96% | $0.03 | |
ETH 0.01 ETH | $39.77 | +0.01% | $2,791.19 |
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