Total portfolio value
+0.57% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
TABOO 25.09 k TABOO | $5.73 | +3.17% | $0³228 | |
FINK 967.48 FINK | $4.46 | +0.46% | $0²459 | |
HERO 2.29 k HERO | $3.22 | +0.08% | $0²140 | |
PORNROCKET 362.42 M PORNROCKET | $2.91 | +0.16% | $0⁸804 | |
WBNB 0²352 WBNB | $2.39 | +0.27% | $677.06 | |
BFG 104.89 BFG | $2.35 | -0.56% | $0.02 | |
SeaChain 6.50 M SeaChain | $1.70 | -0.38% | $0⁶261 | |
WAI 15.51 k WAI | $1.36 | -0.08% | $0⁴876 | |
Dogefather 282.79 M Dogefather | $0.86 | -0.39% | $0⁸328 | |
BSW 10.00 BSW | $0.56 | +5.22% | $0.06 | |
TOKI 1.63 B TOKI | $0.47 | +1.12% | $0⁹291 | |
LAZIO 0.33 LAZIO | $0.44 | +2.33% | $1.34 | |
CRUSADER 4.21 B CRUSADER | $0.42 | +1.13% | $0⁹100 | |
CTRFI 56.28 B CTRFI | $0.35 | - | $0¹¹621 | |
Vacay 873.83 Vacay | $0.34 | - | $0³386 | |
PUMP 200.00 k PUMP | $0.09 | +0.49% | $0⁶460 | |
PANDA 92.00 M PANDA | $0.09 | +0.66% | $0⁹968 | |
HAPPY 32.69 M HAPPY | $0.08 | +0.67% | $0⁸242 | |
JOJO 124.13 k JOJO | $0.08 | +1.58% | $0⁶632 | |
MOOCHII 41.88 M MOOCHII | $0.05 | +1.28% | $0⁸127 | |
$COPTER 32.81 M $COPTER | $0.05 | -0.18% | $0⁸141 | |
FPP 175.51 FPP | $0.01 | -0.89% | $0⁴643 | |
420x 34.04 M 420x | $0.01 | +1.25% | $0⁹328 | |
TRDG 1.57 B TRDG | $0.01 | +0.51% | $0¹¹664 | |
STOPELON 18.33 k STOPELON | $0.01 | -0.09% | $0⁶529 |
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