Total portfolio value
-1.15% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
BNB 43.58 BNB | $28.32 k | -1.39% | $650.05 | |
PEPEMUSK 61.81 M PEPEMUSK | $4.79 k | +1.17% | $0⁴783 | |
BOB 774.86 B BOB | $4.60 k | +0.86% | $0⁸598 | |
PERRY 159.81 k PERRY | $1.34 k | -3.20% | $0²810 | |
FROG 1.53 M FROG | $1.30 k | -5.43% | $0³844 | |
GOUT 15.73 M GOUT | $1.10 k | +0.50% | $0⁴702 | |
BabyNeiro 243.43 T BabyNeiro | $897.81 | -2.60% | $0¹¹368 | |
BABYBNB 423.70 k BABYBNB | $669.27 | -6.20% | $0²156 | |
DOGE 2.47 k DOGE | $595.75 | -1.76% | $0.24 | |
GGG 50.68 k GGG | $573.87 | -3.31% | $0.01 | |
VINU 20.95 B VINU | $473.46 | +3.26% | $0⁷227 | |
Cheems 401.93 M Cheems | $379.79 | +0.56% | $0⁶948 | |
KOMA 6.41 k KOMA | $379.75 | -0.24% | $0.06 | |
AITECH 6.92 k AITECH | $350.67 | -0.52% | $0.05 | |
shibb 17.73 M shibb | $175.37 | -5.64% | $0⁵999 | |
FOUR 238.99 k FOUR | $129.03 | -5.49% | $0³535 | |
CKP 27.73 CKP | $98.12 | +1.03% | $3.51 | |
CORGI 2.89 M CORGI | $88.34 | +0.85% | $0⁴306 | |
BTCB 0³889 BTCB | $84.92 | -1.21% | $95,552.24 | |
APX 1.14 k APX | $66.87 | -6.19% | $0.06 | |
SYRUP 357.83 SYRUP | $49.46 | +4.46% | $0.14 | |
ETH 0.02 ETH | $48.43 | +0.09% | $2,791.16 | |
GEAR 9.58 k GEAR | $38.77 | +3.02% | $0²414 | |
FIST 4.17 M FIST | $34.69 | +22.76% | $0⁵839 | |
ZK 14.11 ZK | $28.90 | -0.54% | $2.02 |
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