Total portfolio value
+3.51% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
PERRY 101.72 k PERRY | $891.76 | -9.43% | $0²855 | |
4 11.77 k 4 | $103.50 | +59.15% | $0²799 | |
88087-510 2.72 M 88087-510 | $98.39 | +67.68% | $0⁴314 | |
USDT 65.90 USDT | $65.90 | +0.01% | $1.00 | |
KARINA 2.52 M KARINA | $65.44 | -42.64% | $0⁴264 | |
FOURTST 6.96 M FOURTST | $50.76 | +10.62% | $0⁵733 | |
BNB 0.07 BNB | $46.15 | -0.75% | $651.46 | |
LUIGI 3.80 M LUIGI | $32.53 | -12.24% | $0⁵855 | |
shooter 804.10 k shooter | $5.75 | +1.28% | $0⁵715 | |
TORO 361.33 k TORO | $5.00 | -3.33% | $0⁴139 | |
MIAOCOIN 1.30 M MIAOCOIN | $4.64 | - | $0⁵356 | |
BabyTST 184.66 k BabyTST | $2.05 | +30.24% | $0⁴106 | |
BSCN 126.11 k BSCN | $1.04 | +1.93% | $0⁴114 | |
DONT 6.58 k DONT | $0.26 | -1.94% | $0⁴394 | |
BabyBroccoli 10.00 k BabyBroccoli | $0.07 | +0.15% | $0⁵732 | |
CZBroccoli 0.30 CZBroccoli | $0.00 | +3.52% | $0⁵398 |
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