Total portfolio value
-0.20% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
POOCOIN 35.50 POOCOIN | $12.90 | -0.21% | $0.36 | |
PEECH 671.43 M PEECH | $11.16 | - | $0⁷164 | |
SAFETROJAN 62.78 T SAFETROJAN | $8.47 | - | $0¹²111 | |
ETH 0²238 ETH | $7.91 | +1.55% | $3,317.77 | |
FAIRC 6.41 T FAIRC | $7.40 | - | $0¹¹115 | |
OSWAP 10.00 T OSWAP | $7.13 | - | $0¹²713 | |
Emerald 10.70 B Emerald | $5.48 | - | $0⁹522 | |
QUICKMOON 61.40 B QUICKMOON | $4.86 | -4.35% | $0¹⁰792 | |
USDC 4.31 USDC | $4.31 | - | $1.00 | |
EMAX 23.19 k EMAX | $3.82 | - | $0³164 | |
WHIRL 23.00 k WHIRL | $2.88 | - | $0³128 | |
HS 643.52 B HS | $2.44 | - | $0¹¹379 | |
KILI 397.23 KILI | $1.80 | - | $0²446 | |
DMST 6.20 k DMST | $1.50 | - | $0³290 | |
KEX 50.00 KEX | $1.39 | -1.98% | $0.03 | |
bKANGAL 664.18 k bKANGAL | $1.28 | -0.26% | $0⁵191 | |
POP 5.84 k POP | $1.27 | - | $0³217 | |
PRIME 10.00 M PRIME | $1.22 | - | $0⁶121 | |
MOONCRAFT 21.12 B MOONCRAFT | $1.08 | - | $0¹⁰514 | |
SOUL 135.00 k SOUL | $0.87 | -0.25% | $0⁵665 | |
SPARTA 15.00 SPARTA | $0.75 | - | $0.05 | |
UMB 44.02 UMB | $0.35 | +7.32% | $0²798 | |
PANDA 92.00 M PANDA | $0.09 | +0.25% | $0⁹968 | |
BabyWolf 4.97 B BabyWolf | $0.01 | - | $0¹¹212 | |
DEOR 5.75 k DEOR | $0.01 | - | $0⁵134 |
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