Total portfolio value
-0.10% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
ATYNE 76.08 M ATYNE | $42.87 | - | $0⁶580 | |
SHARK 488.46 B SHARK | $35.99 | -0.18% | $0¹⁰738 | |
SAVEANIMAL 56.43 B SAVEANIMAL | $18.28 | - | $0⁹324 | |
TASTE 11.37 B TASTE | $8.39 | -0.28% | $0⁹739 | |
SABAKA INU 14.83 B SABAKA INU | $5.51 | +1.74% | $0⁹372 | |
WARIO 4.34 T WARIO | $4.15 | - | $0¹²957 | |
MUSKWAY 189.16 B MUSKWAY | $3.98 | - | $0¹⁰209 | |
CyberPrototype 5.48 M CyberPrototype | $3.19 | - | $0⁶581 | |
CHEE 4.54 k CHEE | $2.90 | - | $0³640 | |
POOCOIN 5.28 POOCOIN | $1.92 | -0.07% | $0.36 | |
HYPE 7.62 B HYPE | $1.21 | - | $0⁹159 | |
NCC 21.35 B NCC | $1.09 | - | $0¹⁰510 | |
SafeYoda 4.18 B SafeYoda | $1.01 | - | $0⁹237 | |
LUBE 3.41 k LUBE | $0.62 | - | $0³181 | |
ECOSPH 21.00 k ECOSPH | $0.48 | -2.08% | $0⁴230 | |
MTXC 810.74 k MTXC | $0.41 | - | $0⁷387 | |
MeowCat 7.13 k MeowCat | $0.31 | - | $0⁴434 | |
SYNDOGE 10.59 B SYNDOGE | $0.22 | -1.16% | $0¹⁰208 | |
DRAGN 4.71 k DRAGN | $0.21 | - | $0⁴445 | |
PINGU 49.66 k PINGU | $0.15 | - | $0⁵311 | |
NUDEZ 1.36 M NUDEZ | $0.13 | - | $0⁷992 | |
SNM 893.07 B SNM | $0.13 | - | $0¹²141 | |
PUMP 200.00 k PUMP | $0.09 | +0.15% | $0⁶460 | |
SNL 2.47 k SNL | $0.09 | - | $0⁴332 | |
BTNW 53.48 k BTNW | $0.08 | - | $0⁵160 |
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