Total portfolio value
+8.09% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
WHTS 7.60 M WHTS | $1.95 k | +5.32% | $0³249 | |
TRUMPETF 40.05 M TRUMPETF | $940.84 | +8.87% | $0⁴226 | |
ETH 0.31 ETH | $865.79 | +0.79% | $2,790.39 | |
dogecoin 15.42 k dogecoin | $621.77 | - | $0.04 | |
XCHAT 656.59 k XCHAT | $604.50 | - | $0³913 | |
CaptainETH 12.26 B CaptainETH | $560.96 | +117.58% | $0⁷398 | |
XGAMES 2.19 M XGAMES | $548.89 | +7.30% | $0³244 | |
ETH 16.90 B ETH | $410.63 | - | $0⁷243 | |
WHTS 12.80 B WHTS | $339.75 | -6.25% | $0⁷252 | |
NDAS 3.15 M NDAS | $308.63 | - | $0⁴921 | |
USDS 5.51 M USDS | $283.65 | +2.75% | $0⁴515 | |
LIL X 302.70 k LIL X | $271.28 | -3.81% | $0³915 | |
MAAA 8.12 B MAAA | $267.32 | - | $0⁷375 | |
ELON 3.52 M ELON | $253.00 | -66.23% | $0⁴678 | |
CZ 4.51 B CZ | $191.94 | -3.05% | $0⁷423 | |
CHAINSAW 23.27 B CHAINSAW | $187.77 | -7.61% | $0⁸768 | |
PAIN 21.33 M PAIN | $182.21 | -58.68% | $0⁵858 | |
SWF 19.14 M SWF | $141.85 | -17.05% | $0⁵721 | |
XSEARCH 10.11 M XSEARCH | $122.73 | - | $0⁴134 | |
GrōkGPT 1.47 M GrōkGPT | $40.65 | - | $0⁴245 | |
MOLLY 172.67 M MOLLY | $4.80 | - | $0⁷277 | |
TOMMY 32.10 k TOMMY | $1.74 | - | $0⁴543 | |
JONA 0⁷620 JONA | $0.00 | - | $0⁷972 | |
MEDIA 0⁴600 MEDIA | $0.00 | +5.11% | $0¹⁰446 | |
TRUMPY 0⁶924 TRUMPY | $0.00 | - | $0⁹327 |
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