Total portfolio value
+23.00% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
STEPG 21.06 k STEPG | $48.33 | -3.41% | $0³418 | |
ETH 0.01 ETH | $36.93 | +1.66% | $3,297.64 | |
NSFW 1.95 M NSFW | $33.28 | -3.39% | $0⁴171 | |
AIR 1.47 T AIR | $22.77 | - | $0¹⁰155 | |
USDT 15.02 USDT | $15.02 | -0.03% | $1.00 | |
ORO 12.00 k ORO | $7.00 | +0.52% | $0³583 | |
ERTHA 4.17 k ERTHA | $3.99 | -4.58% | $0³955 | |
GMU 19.59 k GMU | $3.92 | - | $0³195 | |
BLAST 816.58 M BLAST | $3.89 | +0.25% | $0⁸476 | |
POL 8.38 POL | $3.45 | +0.74% | $0.41 | |
PORTX 2.24 k PORTX | $3.44 | -3.49% | $0²152 | |
CSO 10.54 B CSO | $3.17 | - | $0⁹300 | |
WEAR 29.05 k WEAR | $3.02 | -12.65% | $0³103 | |
BIT 378.77 k BIT | $2.99 | -3.75% | $0⁵789 | |
BBoxer 1.75 B BBoxer | $1.80 | - | $0⁸102 | |
FADO 16.98 k FADO | $1.75 | - | $0³103 | |
PIG 65.04 M PIG | $1.37 | +0.25% | $0⁷221 | |
ADA 1.34 ADA | $1.28 | +0.81% | $0.95 | |
SPAT 375.00 SPAT | $1.01 | -0.04% | $0²270 | |
SUC 20.00 B SUC | $0.68 | +0.25% | $0¹⁰337 | |
MOONTOKEN 133.40 M MOONTOKEN | $0.65 | -0.45% | $0⁸541 | |
PANDA 460.00 M PANDA | $0.44 | +0.66% | $0⁹968 | |
NSFW 1.85 M NSFW | $0.43 | - | $0⁶235 | |
FEG 1.39 B FEG | $0.31 | -0.34% | $0⁹222 | |
fBNB 0³539 fBNB | $0.27 | - | $448.08 |
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