Total portfolio value
-0.49% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
BNB 3.24 BNB | $2.11 k | -0.36% | $653.54 | |
DESTABLE 7.33 M DESTABLE | $57.07 | - | $0⁵779 | |
BROCCOLI 0¹²571 BROCCOLI | $0.00 | -19.05% | $0.07 | |
BNC 0⁸200 BNC | $0.00 | -79.37% | $0⁴176 | |
JESSIE 0⁹130 JESSIE | $0.00 | +570.33% | $0⁴738 | |
DESTABLE 0⁸500 DESTABLE | $0.00 | - | $0⁶830 | |
BSCGram 0⁸400 BSCGram | $0.00 | +1.03% | $0⁶835 | |
JESSIE 0⁹129 JESSIE | $0.00 | -10.35% | $0⁴236 | |
GROK 0¹⁰333 GROK | $0.00 | -14.69% | $0⁴251 | |
BNBseason 0¹⁰199 BNBseason | $0.00 | -21.19% | $0⁴138 | |
TAKKI 0¹¹466 TAKKI | $0.00 | -44.13% | $0⁵477 | |
LIBRA 0¹⁷100 LIBRA | $0.00 | -84.43% | $0⁴130 | |
CZ 309.47 k CZ | $0.00 | +9.75% | $0³122 |
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