Total portfolio value
+2.91% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
USDT 615.50 USDT | $615.51 | -0.01% | $1.00 | |
FourAi 930.57 k FourAi | $174.86 | -11.25% | $0³187 | |
4 19.24 k 4 | $153.99 | +32.37% | $0²786 | |
BNB 0.08 BNB | $55.37 | -2.18% | $655.86 | |
$ANDY 2.13 M $ANDY | $36.20 | -9.53% | $0⁴170 | |
SAFU 419.35 k SAFU | $35.68 | -10.90% | $0⁴847 | |
ECake 1.24 M ECake | $33.42 | +0.51% | $0⁴270 | |
Broccoli 2.60 k Broccoli | $28.61 | +2.64% | $0.01 | |
DYOR 630.04 k DYOR | $25.82 | +359.98% | $0⁴419 | |
4Burn 1.01 M 4Burn | $25.07 | -56.41% | $0⁴250 | |
FXBT 104.67 k FXBT | $24.49 | +51.13% | $0³418 | |
MyShell 4.92 M MyShell | $22.82 | +21.89% | $0⁵462 | |
STONKS 4.89 M STONKS | $21.70 | +2.93% | $0⁵443 | |
NanoAi 2.88 M NanoAi | $20.54 | -1.34% | $0⁵721 | |
BabyTST 268.17 k BabyTST | $20.36 | -37.25% | $0⁴723 | |
MindAi 971.45 k MindAi | $20.26 | -14.94% | $0⁴209 | |
SZN 1.11 M SZN | $19.94 | -5.77% | $0⁴180 | |
Chain 1.44 M Chain | $18.48 | +0.98% | $0⁴129 | |
VN 693.66 k VN | $18.40 | +3.83% | $0⁴265 | |
TotoroAI 4.51 M TotoroAI | $17.65 | +0.35% | $0⁵393 | |
Slerf 229.24 k Slerf | $17.36 | -5.89% | $0⁴764 | |
WHY314 793.47 k WHY314 | $16.86 | -16.52% | $0⁴205 | |
EMoffice 2.18 M EMoffice | $14.55 | -2.70% | $0⁵660 | |
NeuraAI 2.26 M NeuraAI | $14.28 | -70.28% | $0⁴231 | |
TTS 1.31 M TTS | $13.41 | +81.97% | $0⁴103 |
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