Total portfolio value
-0.33% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
DOGE 29.27 DOGE | $9.45 | -1.44% | $0.32 | |
JC 474.28 B JC | $8.68 | - | $0¹⁰180 | |
YUME 1.01 B YUME | $7.23 | - | $0⁸714 | |
LPSHIB 60.00 M LPSHIB | $5.99 | - | $0⁷999 | |
PSYCHODOGE 2.87 T PSYCHODOGE | $5.30 | - | $0¹¹184 | |
METABIT 2.03 B METABIT | $4.56 | - | $0⁸225 | |
$ALC 22.53 k $ALC | $3.30 | - | $0³146 | |
LINK 0.13 LINK | $3.26 | -0.94% | $24.79 | |
SHIB 122.55 k SHIB | $2.29 | +0.18% | $0⁴186 | |
APEMN 1.32 B APEMN | $1.66 | - | $0⁸125 | |
BTCB 0⁵766 BTCB | $0.78 | -2.46% | $101,612.17 | |
Cake 0.38 Cake | $0.75 | -0.44% | $1.98 | |
BAKE 3.43 BAKE | $0.64 | +0.29% | $0.19 | |
FANTA 345.79 FANTA | $0.43 | - | $0²122 | |
ETH 0⁴885 ETH | $0.29 | -0.72% | $3,239.50 | |
POOCOIN 0.55 POOCOIN | $0.20 | -0.71% | $0.36 | |
BabyMeta 60.96 B BabyMeta | $0.17 | - | $0¹¹276 | |
DOP 5.50 k DOP | $0.09 | - | $0⁴169 | |
PUMP 200.00 k PUMP | $0.09 | -1.08% | $0⁶455 | |
BUSD 0.04 BUSD | $0.04 | -0.01% | $1.00 | |
PROT 32.51 PROT | $0.02 | - | $0³477 | |
MIND 0.05 MIND | $0.00 | - | $0.08 | |
SAFUU 0²550 SAFUU | $0.00 | -0.41% | $0.14 | |
CLIMAXC0IN 1.26 M CLIMAXC0IN | $0.00 | - | $0¹¹957 | |
BOSS 61.32 BOSS | $0.00 | -2.15% | $0⁸266 |
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