Total portfolio value
+20.57% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
TST 156.89 k TST | $17.76 k | +29.39% | $0.11 | |
TCC 8.02 M TCC | $14.03 k | +30.76% | $0²175 | |
AICell 1.51 M AICell | $11.82 k | +5.17% | $0²783 | |
BNBXBT 1.84 M BNBXBT | $9.61 k | -11.09% | $0²514 | |
TSA 39.15 k TSA | $1.09 k | +1.83% | $0.03 | |
BNC 1.03 M BNC | $420.40 | -11.54% | $0³407 | |
FourAi 1.88 M FourAi | $401.89 | +28.49% | $0³207 | |
BNB 0.46 BNB | $298.64 | -0.78% | $651.20 | |
ETH 0.10 ETH | $273.99 | +1.33% | $2,785.68 | |
ZB 2.02 M ZB | $131.44 | +6.52% | $0⁴644 | |
GPTM 1.49 M GPTM | $119.78 | -2.93% | $0⁴801 | |
BB 5.81 M BB | $111.94 | -1.60% | $0⁴194 | |
POL 266.69 POL | $78.59 | -0.25% | $0.29 | |
HODL 31.50 T HODL | $57.57 | +3.19% | $0¹¹211 | |
USDT 18.94 USDT | $18.94 | +0.01% | $1.00 | |
MOODENG 158.64 k MOODENG | $11.79 | -4.59% | $0⁴738 | |
LUCE 49.23 M LUCE | $9.78 | +0.08% | $0⁶198 | |
BOPPY 6.86 B BOPPY | $8.52 | +1.04% | $0⁸123 | |
MINO 42.58 k MINO | $0.73 | - | $0⁴165 | |
WLFI 11.97 k WLFI | $0.45 | +1.03% | $0⁴373 | |
Bolt 1.00 k Bolt | $0.30 | -11.00% | $0³592 | |
FEARNOT 136.00 k FEARNOT | $0.15 | +3.98% | $0⁵107 | |
WLFI 786.24 WLFI | $0.13 | +1.59% | $0³163 | |
HARRIS 886.00 HARRIS | $0.01 | - | $0⁵772 | |
NSP 0³200 NSP | $0.00 | +0.02% | $24.44 |
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