Total portfolio value
-0.00% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
MYRIA 52.78 k MYRIA | $390.07 T | - | $7,390,317,530.74 | |
beraSTONE 1.09 k beraSTONE | $2.71 M | -10.30% | $2,501.14 | |
afCVX 185.51 k afCVX | $520.74 k | -13.04% | $2.82 | |
Cheems 2.54 B Cheems | $2.22 k | -10.11% | $0⁶870 | |
BNB 3.03 BNB | $1.86 k | -5.99% | $618.16 | |
Kekec 11.72 M Kekec | $1.74 k | -7.80% | $0³148 | |
CRV 2.85 k CRV | $1.24 k | -13.70% | $0.44 | |
ETH 0.28 ETH | $698.49 | -10.41% | $2,528.48 | |
CHIB 150.00 CHIB | $496.09 | -5.60% | $3.31 | |
μPPG 6.68 k μPPG | $193.42 | - | $0.03 | |
FLC 1.09 M FLC | $169.36 | -16.54% | $0³167 | |
BMP 120.00 BMP | $162.00 | -21.90% | $1.34 | |
fpBEANZ 0.25 fpBEANZ | $104.45 | - | $389.15 | |
USD0++ 109.90 USD0++ | $103.78 | +0.16% | $0.94 | |
COMP 0.76 COMP | $38.20 | -7.76% | $50.84 | |
XCN 1.64 k XCN | $26.60 | -18.47% | $0.02 | |
WETH 0²356 WETH | $8.96 | -10.41% | $2,528.48 | |
NOVA 70.98 B NOVA | $7.47 | - | $0⁹104 | |
COMFY 180.00 k COMFY | $6.08 | - | $0⁴339 | |
RUG 3.00 RUG | $5.11 | - | $1.73 | |
SUSHI 5.37 SUSHI | $4.04 | -14.31% | $0.75 | |
POL 8.27 POL | $2.21 | -9.23% | $0.27 | |
MONKY 804.83 k MONKY | $1.99 | -19.61% | $0⁵247 | |
DUCKIES 120.00 DUCKIES | $0.98 | +14.09% | $0²813 | |
stETH 0³383 stETH | $0.96 | -11.02% | $2,510.17 |
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