Total portfolio value
+11.45% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
BNB 0.54 BNB | $353.90 | -2.33% | $655.68 | |
BMP 100.00 BMP | $172.00 | +5.05% | $1.71 | |
MONKY 16.85 M MONKY | $51.76 | -3.99% | $0⁵307 | |
ETH 0.02 ETH | $51.55 | +1.73% | $2,813.69 | |
Conan 2.20 M Conan | $20.91 | +1.60% | $0⁵952 | |
BNBman 561.71 k BNBman | $12.72 | +32.27% | $0⁴302 | |
¥100 1.20 M ¥100 | $10.80 | -46.18% | $0⁵888 | |
Nddf 1.05 M Nddf | $9.55 | +332.26% | $0⁴263 | |
BZZZZ 1.48 M BZZZZ | $8.16 | -3.28% | $0⁵551 | |
FOURTST 670.32 k FOURTST | $4.72 | +10.12% | $0⁵706 | |
TEST 2.59 M TEST | $4.27 | -6.14% | $0⁵166 | |
CATTON 7.99 M CATTON | $3.65 | +53.49% | $0⁶446 | |
NRC 217.85 k NRC | $3.25 | +24.08% | $0⁴150 | |
CAKECAT 249.54 k CAKECAT | $3.04 | -2.52% | $0⁴123 | |
INFIA 287.87 k INFIA | $1.27 | +1.07% | $0⁵445 | |
ANDY 10.00 M ANDY | $0.80 | -6.12% | $0⁷805 | |
FOUR 4.00 FOUR | $0.00 | -17.16% | $0³954 | |
GOUT 11.45 GOUT | $0.00 | -5.51% | $0⁴654 | |
RISY 777.00 RISY | $0.00 | -0.04% | $0⁶114 | |
THE 0¹⁷100 THE | $0.00 | -5.83% | $0.63 | |
9200.eth 205.14 k 9200.eth | $0.00 | - | $0⁹199 | |
AAV 21.50 k AAV | $0.00 | - | $0.03 |
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