Total portfolio value
-5.84% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
BNB 0.12 BNB | $78.69 | -3.77% | $640.04 | |
PERRY 1.91 k PERRY | $14.01 | -24.69% | $0²710 | |
BEEP 1.01 M BEEP | $5.22 | - | $0⁵514 | |
tets 524.82 k tets | $2.73 | - | $0⁵520 | |
CGB 376.08 k CGB | $2.70 | - | $0⁵716 | |
CZBNB 337.43 k CZBNB | $2.64 | +17.73% | $0⁵781 | |
ANGLERFISH 217.08 k ANGLERFISH | $1.95 | -10.31% | $0⁵899 | |
NEZHA 3.07 k NEZHA | $1.92 | -24.83% | $0³572 | |
Intern 329.55 k Intern | $1.80 | +0.70% | $0⁵548 | |
TCC 1.14 k TCC | $1.74 | -13.82% | $0²146 | |
FOUR 3.08 k FOUR | $1.64 | -3.23% | $0³520 | |
Luna 233.33 k Luna | $1.61 | - | $0⁵691 | |
Petunia 7.39 k Petunia | $1.58 | -3.76% | $0³216 | |
Broccoli 859.20 Broccoli | $1.35 | -14.59% | $0²157 | |
binancedog 7.00 k binancedog | $1.25 | -5.14% | $0³201 | |
Mercy 141.46 k Mercy | $0.97 | -91.52% | $0⁵687 | |
GME 57.94 k GME | $0.76 | -70.09% | $0⁴230 | |
Etheron 49.14 k Etheron | $0.60 | -25.36% | $0⁴121 | |
CZWALLET 4.51 k CZWALLET | $0.57 | -23.19% | $0³126 | |
Broccoli 6.34 k Broccoli | $0.52 | -12.67% | $0⁴833 | |
testnet 92.91 k testnet | $0.52 | -7.07% | $0⁵564 | |
JOSH 13.95 k JOSH | $0.48 | +8.64% | $0⁴344 | |
Gary 27.90 k Gary | $0.41 | -3.03% | $0⁴147 | |
CARROT 31.39 k CARROT | $0.41 | -28.79% | $0⁴130 | |
HarryBōlz 24.48 k HarryBōlz | $0.41 | -1.70% | $0⁴166 |
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