Total portfolio value
+0.92% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
BONE 1.50 k BONE | $530.38 | +1.07% | $0.35 | |
LEASH 1.00 LEASH | $226.04 | +0.80% | $225.42 | |
ETH 0.02 ETH | $57.25 | +1.21% | $3,316.66 | |
BRISE 453.22 M BRISE | $45.01 | -5.09% | $0⁷993 | |
$MONG 3.33 B $MONG | $21.19 | +0.54% | $0⁸636 | |
MRF 112.51 MRF | $17.00 | -1.24% | $0.15 | |
NODEV 3.33 B NODEV | $16.07 | - | $0⁸484 | |
USDT 14.62 USDT | $14.62 | -0.03% | $1.00 | |
DAZU 15.59 k DAZU | $8.95 | +4.57% | $0³526 | |
AKANO 91.02 k AKANO | $7.18 | - | $0⁴788 | |
APU 42.57 M APU | $6.76 | - | $0⁶158 | |
TOID 143.36 B TOID | $6.49 | - | $0¹⁰453 | |
GUY 59.90 M GUY | $3.84 | +2.79% | $0⁷643 | |
VDICK 83.20 VDICK | $3.57 | - | $0.04 | |
PUNK 272.34 k PUNK | $3.06 | - | $0⁴112 | |
BLOCK-E 132.56 BLOCK-E | $2.96 | +0.32% | $0.02 | |
VEMP 1.48 k VEMP | $2.93 | -3.00% | $0²150 | |
EBI 33.10 B EBI | $2.79 | - | $0¹⁰840 | |
ShibAI 287.53 k ShibAI | $2.00 | - | $0⁵717 | |
VOGUE 1.08 M VOGUE | $1.71 | - | $0⁵163 | |
KAGUYA 6.04 k KAGUYA | $1.57 | - | $0³260 | |
KJI 11.49 M KJI | $1.38 | - | $0⁶119 | |
NiHao 8.67 B NiHao | $1.37 | - | $0⁹158 | |
TATsu 88.33 TATsu | $1.37 | - | $0.02 | |
BOBS 2.45 k BOBS | $1.09 | - | $0³442 |
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