Total portfolio value
+3.65% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
POL 469.13 POL | $134.17 | -3.03% | $0.29 | |
GNUS 69.40 GNUS | $86.78 | -2.89% | $1.24 | |
6022 7.64 k 6022 | $83.64 | +26.54% | $0.01 | |
MCOIN 21.63 k MCOIN | $34.36 | -30.75% | $0²163 | |
FTW 11.92 B FTW | $23.18 | -12.71% | $0⁸192 | |
UPGO 5.00 k UPGO | $17.83 | +111.96% | $0²357 | |
PRXY 36.76 k PRXY | $13.65 | -42.75% | $0³206 | |
AGTRAMON 79.62 k AGTRAMON | $12.85 | +28.71% | $0³160 | |
FITT 303.27 k FITT | $11.83 | -41.07% | $0⁴422 | |
AT3 234.99 AT3 | $10.73 | +0.86% | $0.05 | |
KTON 1.61 KTON | $5.92 | - | $3.66 | |
PBR 4.82 k PBR | $4.62 | -3.65% | $0³956 | |
PLX 6.45 M PLX | $3.21 | - | $0⁶544 | |
SIO 13.09 SIO | $3.17 | +11.79% | $0.39 | |
USDC 3.16 USDC | $3.16 | -0.01% | $1.00 | |
UN 45.18 k UN | $2.86 | -12.86% | $0⁴605 | |
YMII 7.53 k YMII | $1.95 | -1.48% | $0³257 | |
Pi 605.57 k Pi | $1.57 | +1.51% | $0⁵256 | |
MNI 61.04 k MNI | $1.16 | +0.18% | $0⁴193 | |
WAVE 13.00 k WAVE | $1.08 | -73.68% | $0³220 | |
Tote 123.08 Tote | $0.74 | - | $0²596 | |
JD5 1.29 JD5 | $0.56 | - | $0.43 | |
Hala 3.96 k Hala | $0.46 | - | $0³112 | |
INVT 69.60 k INVT | $0.12 | -20.26% | $0⁵156 | |
CAC 2.94 k CAC | $0.09 | +2.56% | $0⁴304 |
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