Total portfolio value
-3.85% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
ETH 0³861 ETH | $2.67 | -4.55% | $3,111.98 | |
SET 4.12 B SET | $1.73 | -3.11% | $0⁹421 | |
ETH 0³176 ETH | $0.55 | -4.50% | $3,109.70 | |
FINU 700.96 M FINU | $0.54 | - | $0⁹774 | |
YOOSHI 74.29 M YOOSHI | $0.22 | -7.37% | $0⁸296 | |
GOLDUCK 66.34 M GOLDUCK | $0.05 | - | $0⁹803 | |
GRIMEX 49.40 B GRIMEX | $0.05 | -7.39% | $0¹²948 | |
LTRBT 6.28 P LTRBT | $0.04 | -0.56% | $0¹⁷630 | |
BabyWolf 3.40 B BabyWolf | $0.01 | +0.79% | $0¹¹213 | |
NFTART 493.08 M NFTART | $0.01 | -5.19% | $0¹⁰105 | |
VNT 50.00 VNT | $0.00 | -0.22% | $0⁴794 | |
DINO 5.00 DINO | $0.00 | - | $0³163 | |
TWT 0⁴888 TWT | $0.00 | -4.08% | $0.97 | |
NFT 20.00 NFT | $0.00 | +2.62% | $0⁶512 | |
NSFW 0.35 NSFW | $0.00 | -9.23% | $0⁴155 | |
XRX 0²525 XRX | $0.00 | -0.83% | $0⁴128 | |
POSI 3.28 POSI | $0.00 | -2.03% | $0²633 | |
SLW 61.82 k SLW | $0.00 | -0.41% | $0³160 | |
WENLAMBO 62.87 M WENLAMBO | $0.00 | - | $0⁷201 | |
MED 40.43 T MED | $0.00 | - | $0¹⁰351 | |
ANT 255.67 ANT | $0.00 | - | $0.00 | |
APPL 6.00 APPL | $0.00 | - | $0.00 | |
PETS 21.59 M PETS | $0.00 | - | $0⁷899 | |
FBE 4.00 FBE | $0.00 | - | $0⁴574 |
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