Total portfolio value
+0.05% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
ROIDS 272.69 B ROIDS | $2.76 | - | $0¹⁰101 | |
DINGO 70.13 B DINGO | $2.65 | - | $0¹⁰378 | |
ETH 0³664 ETH | $2.19 | +1.82% | $3,299.14 | |
POL 5.00 POL | $2.06 | +1.05% | $0.41 | |
CICADA 12.62 B CICADA | $1.65 | - | $0⁹130 | |
DOGS 761.61 M DOGS | $1.60 | - | $0⁸192 | |
SAFUMOON 818.84 M SAFUMOON | $1.34 | - | $0⁸164 | |
CORSAIR 780.15 k CORSAIR | $1.27 | - | $0⁵162 | |
MON 786.73 MON | $0.97 | - | $0²124 | |
$EKISHU 18.88 B $EKISHU | $0.93 | - | $0¹⁰495 | |
BNB 0²124 BNB | $0.85 | +0.06% | $677.80 | |
XRP 0.25 XRP | $0.75 | -1.11% | $3.05 | |
POOCOIN 1.44 POOCOIN | $0.52 | -0.03% | $0.36 | |
COIN 36.62 B COIN | $0.36 | - | $0¹¹971 | |
BUSD 0.35 BUSD | $0.34 | -0.01% | $1.00 | |
MagicDOGE 549.43 M MagicDOGE | $0.28 | -0.11% | $0⁹503 | |
OWL 21.40 k OWL | $0.17 | - | $0⁵760 | |
PDOGE 768.80 M PDOGE | $0.13 | -31.04% | $0⁹171 | |
SAFEPUMP 791.58 M SAFEPUMP | $0.03 | - | $0¹⁰320 | |
BONFIRE 1.73 k BONFIRE | $0.00 | +0.47% | $0⁷102 | |
PIG 78.63 PIG | $0.00 | +0.25% | $0⁷221 | |
Dogefather 218.65 Dogefather | $0.00 | -0.39% | $0⁸328 | |
YUMMY 0.05 YUMMY | $0.00 | -0.46% | $0⁵114 | |
NYA 0.02 NYA | $0.00 | +2.19% | $0⁶170 | |
CATGIRL 22.43 CATGIRL | $0.00 | -0.99% | $0¹⁰158 |
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