Total portfolio value
-1.91% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
Hamtaro 949.58 M Hamtaro | $0.49 | - | $0⁹533 | |
ECP 157.00 M ECP | $0.47 | -1.01% | $0⁸317 | |
GOAT 2.66 B GOAT | $0.46 | +1.57% | $0⁹174 | |
NFTDOGE 85.13 B NFTDOGE | $0.42 | - | $0¹¹488 | |
Dogefather 129.19 M Dogefather | $0.39 | -0.39% | $0⁸328 | |
ORANGE 864.76 M ORANGE | $0.38 | - | $0⁹444 | |
KABOSU 105.59 M KABOSU | $0.38 | -1.13% | $0⁸357 | |
SAFEMARS 42.09 M SAFEMARS | $0.35 | -1.56% | $0⁸821 | |
LOF 590.35 M LOF | $0.29 | -1.32% | $0⁹511 | |
SHIBACASH 113.03 M SHIBACASH | $0.27 | -0.67% | $0⁸240 | |
ULTIMATE 4.08 B ULTIMATE | $0.23 | - | $0¹⁰555 | |
AMA 76.38 M AMA | $0.21 | - | $0⁸270 | |
FDOTA 1.77 B FDOTA | $0.19 | - | $0⁹105 | |
MOONTOKEN 33.19 M MOONTOKEN | $0.16 | -0.07% | $0⁸488 | |
LUNAR 784.21 M LUNAR | $0.16 | -1.20% | $0⁹203 | |
MOONSTAR 110.94 M MOONSTAR | $0.15 | -1.22% | $0⁸139 | |
COLD 1.00 B COLD | $0.14 | +1.71% | $0⁹141 | |
BabyWolf 63.84 B BabyWolf | $0.14 | - | $0¹¹212 | |
PSS 42.34 PSS | $0.13 | - | $0²303 | |
Koala 1.09 M Koala | $0.10 | - | $0⁷905 | |
YUMMY 84.25 k YUMMY | $0.10 | -1.17% | $0⁵113 | |
KODURO 184.87 M KODURO | $0.09 | -0.08% | $0⁹562 | |
PinkM 69.96 M PinkM | $0.09 | +0.78% | $0⁸132 | |
SAFEICARUS 304.12 M SAFEICARUS | $0.09 | -0.34% | $0⁹330 | |
BLAST 15.72 M BLAST | $0.07 | -0.89% | $0⁸471 |
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