Total portfolio value
+3.45% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
BNB 92.58 BNB | $60.42 k | -0.33% | $652.85 | |
CZBIKE 63.85 M CZBIKE | $3.30 k | -12.08% | $0⁴522 | |
ETH 1.12 ETH | $3.12 k | +2.03% | $2,793.51 | |
BSCXBT 31.01 M BSCXBT | $1.55 k | +137.34% | $0³161 | |
MTECH 180.00 M MTECH | $1.04 k | - | $35,588,715,487.90 | |
BINKY 64.36 M BINKY | $924.45 | -7.77% | $0⁴143 | |
buddy 55.68 M buddy | $372.97 | - | $0⁵670 | |
PENGUINS 25.33 PENGUINS | $215.00 | - | $8.58 | |
BNLIZA 16.17 T BNLIZA | $188.75 | -13.46% | $0¹⁰117 | |
MEOW 50.00 M MEOW | $160.99 | - | $0⁵328 | |
Funny 30.85 M Funny | $114.60 | - | $0⁵341 | |
BINANCE 24.39 M BINANCE | $110.29 | -93.71% | $0⁵545 | |
HYDE 1.04 M HYDE | $93.37 | +0.99% | $0⁴902 | |
PUMP 95.00 B PUMP | $73.21 | - | $115,515,444,092.00 | |
TARDS 40.40 TARDS | $53.31 | - | $1.32 | |
AIBNB 8.57 M AIBNB | $45.95 | -96.17% | $0⁴130 | |
ROME 12.92 M ROME | $41.95 | - | $0⁵322 | |
METAL FACE 500.00 METAL FACE | $24.23 | - | $0.05 | |
MOON 1.90 M MOON | $13.30 | - | $0⁵701 | |
SQUIGL 841.38 M SQUIGL | $6.90 | -0.26% | $0⁸819 | |
bloop 490.00 k bloop | $3.23 | - | $0⁵655 | |
TOKEN 113.34 TOKEN | $2.73 | -2.46% | $0.02 | |
PLEDGE 2.78 k PLEDGE | $1.20 | +3.02% | $0³430 | |
ANDY 10.00 M ANDY | $0.78 | -13.06% | $0⁷778 | |
blockii 21.96 k blockii | $0.44 | -10.34% | $0⁴202 |
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