Total portfolio value
-1.18% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
ETH 0.03 ETH | $94.25 | -2.50% | $3,245.76 | |
USDC 20.77 USDC | $20.76 | - | $1.00 | |
PEPESHIBA 978.31 M PEPESHIBA | $13.30 | - | $0⁷133 | |
MGR 338.09 k MGR | $13.14 | -0.72% | $0⁴389 | |
PCHF 49.24 k PCHF | $9.65 | - | $0³193 | |
UDT 0.77 UDT | $8.89 | -3.10% | $11.09 | |
AMD6900 1.67 M AMD6900 | $6.53 | +0.01% | $0⁵392 | |
SHIB2 885.79 B SHIB2 | $3.98 | - | $0¹¹581 | |
ETH 0³776 ETH | $2.52 | -2.48% | $3,246.85 | |
Wukong 5.00 k Wukong | $2.18 | +5.23% | $0³436 | |
DEXT 6.56 k DEXT | $1.62 | +1.35% | $0³247 | |
BEND 928.88 BEND | $0.28 | +0.62% | $0³302 | |
POL 0.49 POL | $0.20 | -4.09% | $0.40 | |
$MD 10.00 $MD | $0.17 | - | $0.02 | |
CBC 100.00 M CBC | $0.07 | - | $0⁹691 | |
BABYDOGE 71.89 M BABYDOGE | $0.05 | +203.71% | $0⁸123 | |
BUGG 75.98 B BUGG | $0.04 | +0.06% | $0¹²536 | |
ALICE 0.04 ALICE | $0.03 | -1.43% | $0.95 | |
ZOOT 23.51 B ZOOT | $0.02 | - | $0¹²665 | |
PUG 61.80 B PUG | $0.02 | - | $0¹²292 | |
Dogefather 6.60 B Dogefather | $0.01 | - | $0¹¹124 | |
iDOGE 28.65 iDOGE | $0.01 | - | $0³288 | |
KELPIE 66.67 M KELPIE | $0.01 | +1.63% | $0⁹108 | |
FTW 555.56 k FTW | $0.01 | +33.58% | $0⁷107 | |
SMI 2.63 k SMI | $0.00 | +2.99% | $0⁶765 |
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