Total portfolio value
-0.04% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
KWH 2.14 T KWH | $17.83 | - | $0¹¹833 | |
Binius 2.47 M Binius | $12.17 | - | $0⁵492 | |
PERPLEXITY 2.16 k PERPLEXITY | $10.36 | - | $0²480 | |
mett 1.42 M mett | $9.10 | - | $0⁵643 | |
SRB 355.84 k SRB | $7.99 | - | $0⁴224 | |
SKIBIDI 977.67 B SKIBIDI | $6.24 | - | $0¹¹637 | |
EVOC 92.89 k EVOC | $5.24 | - | $0⁴509 | |
PAPU 49.27 k PAPU | $2.36 | - | $0⁴480 | |
ETH 0³113 ETH | $0.24 | -10.31% | $2,106.86 | |
𝕏ine 10.89 k 𝕏ine | $0.00 | - | $0¹⁰359 | |
Saylor 0⁸100 Saylor | $0.00 | - | $0²351 | |
GME 0⁷370 GME | $0.00 | -10.71% | $0⁴978 | |
FSD12 0⁹100 FSD12 | $0.00 | - | $0.02 | |
GOB 0⁷100 GOB | $0.00 | - | $0³154 | |
COOL 0⁸100 COOL | $0.00 | -11.56% | $0³586 | |
QLIX 0¹²117 QLIX | $0.00 | +4.86% | $0.48 | |
JANNY 0⁸100 JANNY | $0.00 | - | $0⁴218 | |
SENS 0⁸200 SENS | $0.00 | -16.02% | $0⁵613 | |
MEGADETH 0⁸300 MEGADETH | $0.00 | -13.13% | $0⁵129 | |
CLARK 0⁶187 CLARK | $0.00 | - | $0⁷242 | |
DOGEX 0⁶810 DOGEX | $0.00 | - | $0⁸500 | |
𝕏TV 0⁸100 𝕏TV | $0.00 | -1.55% | $0⁵364 | |
KOSS 0¹⁰280 KOSS | $0.00 | - | $0⁴708 | |
Brett 0¹²179 Brett | $0.00 | - | $0²796 | |
ETH 3.0 25.55 ETH 3.0 | $0.00 | -3.73% | $0¹⁶512 |
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