Total portfolio value
-1.66% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
WBNB 0.09 WBNB | $61.84 | -1.72% | $670.53 | |
Fanz 286.74 Fanz | $0.24 | - | $0³875 | |
$HINA 172.03 B $HINA | $0.00 | - | $0¹⁴752 | |
SpacePi 1.00 M SpacePi | $0.00 | -2.00% | $0⁹917 | |
ENS 1.67 B ENS | $0.00 | - | $0¹²453 | |
FLOKI 5.32 FLOKI | $0.00 | +2.90% | $0³129 | |
KTY 1.18 M KTY | $0.00 | - | $0⁹252 | |
GOTEM 26.02 GOTEM | $0.00 | - | $0⁶477 | |
SHIB 13.33 SHIB | $0.00 | -0.92% | $0⁴187 | |
CHMB 3.79 CHMB | $0.00 | -6.54% | $0⁴480 | |
DINA 5.38 DINA | $0.00 | - | $0⁴203 | |
GNANA 0.05 GNANA | $0.00 | - | $0²109 | |
SOL 0⁶211 SOL | $0.00 | -4.73% | $227.07 | |
COCK 85.92 k COCK | $0.00 | - | $0⁹522 | |
DOGE 0⁴781 DOGE | $0.00 | -2.05% | $0.32 | |
ADA 0⁴161 ADA | $0.00 | -4.21% | $0.93 | |
MONKY 1.86 MONKY | $0.00 | -1.77% | $0⁵605 | |
BUSD 0⁵706 BUSD | $0.00 | -0.03% | $1.00 | |
Cake 0⁵202 Cake | $0.00 | -2.87% | $1.98 | |
BTT 0²365 BTT | $0.00 | +1.04% | $0²105 | |
FLOKI 5.32 FLOKI | $0.00 | -1.21% | $0⁶469 | |
TSEN 0²590 TSEN | $0.00 | - | $0⁴921 | |
RACA 0³330 RACA | $0.00 | -1.91% | $0³136 | |
ETH 0¹¹143 ETH | $0.00 | -2.44% | $3,245.60 | |
BANANA 0⁵811 BANANA | $0.00 | -1.34% | $0³518 |
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