Total portfolio value
-1.10% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
USDT 496.14 k USDT | $496.00 k | -0.03% | $1.00 | |
BTCB 2.21 BTCB | $204.15 k | -4.18% | $91,908.78 | |
SHELL 243.09 k SHELL | $112.15 k | +7.05% | $0.46 | |
APX 743.97 k APX | $40.97 k | -7.09% | $0.05 | |
Cake 16.98 k Cake | $37.05 k | -12.63% | $2.17 | |
KOMA 553.01 k KOMA | $33.46 k | -1.04% | $0.06 | |
USDC 27.84 k USDC | $27.83 k | - | $1.00 | |
BNB 34.83 BNB | $21.45 k | -6.77% | $612.11 | |
Cheems 9.93 B Cheems | $8.66 k | -10.26% | $0โถ871 | |
GFAL 830.00 k GFAL | $6.13 k | -3.57% | $0ยฒ736 | |
MGP 100.79 k MGP | $5.15 k | -11.81% | $0.05 | |
Forkast 7.45 M Forkast | $2.88 k | - | $0ยณ383 | |
COCO 1.29 M COCO | $2.32 k | +1.38% | $0ยฒ184 | |
FRENS 65.85 M FRENS | $1.71 k | - | $0โด260 | |
SOLV 52.39 k SOLV | $1.57 k | -14.14% | $0.03 | |
ICE 334.42 k ICE | $1.34 k | -9.05% | $0ยฒ397 | |
BABYCATE 5.02 B BABYCATE | $798.29 | -9.32% | $0โถ143 | |
COOKIE 4.28 k COOKIE | $775.10 | -14.09% | $0.18 | |
BabyDoge 393.54 B BabyDoge | $563.55 | -13.59% | $0โธ142 | |
AICell 81.87 k AICell | $498.13 | -20.96% | $0ยฒ611 | |
ANDY 6.26 B ANDY | $381.61 | -25.41% | $0โท603 | |
SKROT 38.70 M SKROT | $370.42 | - | $0โต957 | |
PERRY 49.45 k PERRY | $362.39 | -5.45% | $0ยฒ764 | |
CaptainBNB 39.85 k CaptainBNB | $321.74 | -16.01% | $0ยฒ828 | |
AGON 29.01 k AGON | $270.34 | +1.38% | $0ยฒ872 |
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