Total portfolio value
-5.04% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
BNB 0.21 BNB | $135.97 | -3.24% | $639.78 | |
USDT 23.88 USDT | $23.88 | +0.01% | $1.00 | |
ETH 0²413 ETH | $11.08 | -4.74% | $2,676.60 | |
MINIDOGE 218.25 k MINIDOGE | $6.74 | -19.54% | $0⁴307 | |
BSCN 746.65 k BSCN | $5.41 | +1.93% | $0⁴114 | |
SnakeT 10.00 M SnakeT | $5.06 | - | $0⁶505 | |
ALITA 583.75 k ALITA | $3.53 | -92.50% | $0⁵599 | |
LuminMind 596.31 k LuminMind | $3.46 | - | $0⁵579 | |
HMB 100.00 HMB | $3.41 | -0.99% | $0.03 | |
Poodle 40.50 k Poodle | $2.64 | - | $0⁴651 | |
NanoAi 340.22 k NanoAi | $2.38 | -0.05% | $0⁵704 | |
SSRY 118.40 k SSRY | $2.31 | - | $0⁴195 | |
Labubu 110.66 k Labubu | $1.93 | +0.04% | $0⁴174 | |
DZL 75.72 k DZL | $0.80 | +155.58% | $0⁵908 | |
BGsheying 209.02 B BGsheying | $0.75 | - | $0¹¹357 | |
FSB 15.00 FSB | $0.65 | - | $0.04 | |
WBNB 0³881 WBNB | $0.56 | -3.24% | $639.78 | |
BACC 3.67 k BACC | $0.51 | +1.90% | $0³140 | |
MIAO 100.00 MIAO | $0.40 | +8.29% | $0²434 | |
Writer 1.00 k Writer | $0.22 | -11.72% | $0³217 | |
UNI 0²500 UNI | $0.04 | -6.95% | $8.55 | |
POM 8.00 POM | $0.02 | -1.80% | $0²219 | |
SG 165.00 k SG | $0.01 | -0.49% | $0⁷426 | |
MIAOH 100.00 MIAOH | $0.01 | -0.01% | $0⁴612 | |
JX 0.93 JX | $0.00 | - | $0²252 |
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