Total portfolio value
+5.19% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
ETH 2.27 ETH | $6.34 k | +1.27% | $2,783.21 | |
XMONEY 26.94 k XMONEY | $2.60 k | +7.00% | $0.10 | |
SEC Chair 2.06 M SEC Chair | $993.30 | +22.69% | $0³482 | |
XAIGAMES 2.34 M XAIGAMES | $257.56 | -1.87% | $0³111 | |
XMoney 1.00 M XMoney | $215.28 | +33.71% | $0³221 | |
XPAY 4.21 B XPAY | $205.61 | +1.01% | $0⁷488 | |
XTV 18.86 M XTV | $184.13 | - | $0⁵977 | |
LIL X 173.84 k LIL X | $155.79 | +15.19% | $0³951 | |
BCHAIN 13.81 M BCHAIN | $79.98 | -0.25% | $0⁵584 | |
SBR 2.00 M SBR | $78.53 | - | $0⁴404 | |
69MINUTES 4.21 B 69MINUTES | $68.02 | +4.20% | $0⁷157 | |
BPP 3.95 M BPP | $45.50 | - | $0⁴112 | |
4HEAD 16.04 M 4HEAD | $31.17 | - | $0⁵193 | |
MAWA 3.82 B MAWA | $30.79 | +0.20% | $0⁸794 | |
NXAI 51.72 k NXAI | $18.81 | - | $0³359 | |
Inglip 30.76 M Inglip | $13.11 | - | $0⁶420 | |
RAI 3.08 k RAI | $12.86 | - | $0²418 | |
MIKE 43.82 T MIKE | $12.05 | - | $0¹²278 | |
BNB 0.01 BNB | $6.83 | -1.17% | $649.82 | |
TANKER 374.29 B TANKER | $6.29 | +2.10% | $0¹⁰168 | |
AI6900 193.32 M AI6900 | $4.93 | - | $0⁷213 | |
XACT 13.51 k XACT | $3.69 | - | $0³272 | |
YEYE 8.82 M YEYE | $3.28 | - | $0⁶354 | |
$FIONA6900 1.68 M $FIONA6900 | $3.00 | - | $0⁵178 | |
PACPAC 1.16 M PACPAC | $2.93 | - | $0⁵252 |
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